Ok, I'll admit it, I'm back to reading teenage story books again. And this time, I'm in a frenzy over Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series. All together 4 books in the series of a love story between a vampine and a human girl. I must say, it's been a while since I read love stories, and cheesy as it may sound, I'm kinda hooked on it at the moment :)
For those who might not know, there is also a version from the vampire Edward Cullen's point of view title Midnight Sun. The version is free for download, and may never be releases as a novel. Click here to download the pdf version. Note that this is a draft copy from the author, and there is no ending to the story to add to your frustration.
As always. The book is better then the movie it self. So if you have time, all 4 books are available from the National Library of Singapore, but a reservation seems to be the only way to get a hold of them. At S$1.55 per reservation, 4 books will cost you less then S$10, which is well worth the same amount if you spend it watching the movie instead (which incidently, might put you to sleep!)
Enjoy! I need to change my blog manner to Midnight Sun when I am free :P
Twilight the movie
New Moon
Breaking Down
Midnight Sun