Just wanted to upload these photo grid I did when I was in December 2014, you know, in case my laptop crash or something. Anyway, these are unique cause there are like my first few photo grid I've ever done. And they are special cause they are all from Japan! Let me try my best to recall where I took them.

First grid is of two cups of coffee from my friend Ms Loo who needs a top-up every morning before she can function as a normal human being. It was Christmas time and the cup from the left is from a French Bakery Shop in one of the train station which I can't remember, and the other is from a convenient store in Yokohama on our way to the Ramen Museum. Both were like only 100Yen each, but the detail of the cup is so pretty!
Above two pix are the unique drawing sometimes found outside or inside Japanese shops. Top one if from a maid cafe at Odaiba, I think it was in Diversity. We didn't dine there though, opting instead to go to a Hello Kitty Cafe at the same place. The one at the bottom is of a bookstore in Ueno Station. I think I bough 2 books from there! One on how to sew (A Cottontime magazine publication), and the other on simple drawing with colored pens.
Lastly, a momento from the place we stayed in. On top is a drawing of the feeder bus that pass outside our ryokan and brought us to Ueno or Asakusa. Each trip is only 100Yen! And the bus really does look like that, super cute! And below is a drawing of a ryokan we stayed in.
Ah Japan, it is those little little touches that makes it all worth visiting. As it is, I'm into year 2 of my Japanese language course now, and am listening to One OK Rock while I blog this. Maybe one day, I'll be able to blog in Japanese! Gambatte Ai-Chan!
Yokohama Ramen Museum
Maid Cafe
One OK Rock