It's amazing how much time you have when you stop studying part time. I quit my Japanese study in July 2017 after 3.5 years due to work. And it has only been 3 months, but I felt like I've done so much in those 3 months. One of the things I find I have more time now is meeting up with friends and drinking coffee in cafe! So one Sunday, I meet up with two of my friend (one excolleague and one current colleague) in a place call A.R.C Coffee. The one thing I love about this place is the warm feel of the whole place. The wood furnishing, and how the light just shine in from the french window, and how they actually use real spin record to play their music in the cafe! We were seated in level 2, at a table looking out of the window. I could have sat there whole day. Everything about this table was so comforting and welcoming! I haven't even starting writing about anything, and already one long paragraph on the feel of the cafe itself. Would I come back again? Yes! It's just so relaxing here!

Anyway, back to business. They specialise in coffee. Interestingly, I didn't order any! Hahaha. I shared the above 1+1 platter with my friend. It comes with one order of milk coffee, plus one espresso. Since I'm an espresso drinker, I took the bitter among the two. It wasn't really to my liking sadly. It was kinda acidic, sourish. Kinda like my Vietnam drip coffee, but even more acidic. Didn't like it.
One of my friend order this nitrogen cold brew coffee and it looked so cool! It smells wonderful too. And the staff there explained to her that as the coffee cool, the taste changes! Yup, this is definitely on my to-order list next time I come back here again. It look so delicious. I didn't order it cause I have been eating too much lately, and I wanted to give my liver a rest from all the caffeine and alcohol it has been consuming.... As I write this, I am actually 2 weeks alcohol free! (except for chocolate liquor...)
Next is the food. I needed starch in my tummy, so I order rice bowl. I needed to be healthy as well. The donburi was actually quite simple and healthy, and served so beautifully too!
My friend also ordered rice bowl, but hers was salmon while mine was beef. The only thing I can say is, the food wasn't salty enough, which you can say is either a good or bad thing, depending on your taste preference.
One friend ordered the salted egg chicken cutlet, and seriously, it wasn't salty enough for me. It was value for money cause the piece of chicken was rather big, but I wish the sauce was more addictive, if you know what I mean.... Oh yeah, above are normal fries, but they also serve truffles fries, and it smells heavenly!
Dessert was ok. We ordered tiramisu which comes in a pot and a spade. I really like the spade. The serving was rather small, and nothing memorable. We also ordered I think an affogado, and that was delicious cause the coffee was awesome there over creamy vanilla ice cream.
The last item we ordered as apple crumble cake. It was very sweet, but the cinnamon taste of it was very strong that I really love it. And they soak the cake in maybe apple juice? I don't really know, but it was so yummy even though it was a big too sweet for me.
Been hooked on nice cafe lately. They are expensive to go to. But when I go with good company, I don't really mind. Here's to more Lim Kopi outing with friends!
A.R.C. Coffee