Half a year has gone by, and everyone is stuck at home. Travel has been more or less banned, and dining out is also a challenge. Going anywhere these day is a challenge too, gym classes are ridiculously hard to book, and you even need an appointment to go to the library! But worst of all for me is probably the mandatory mask when you are going out. That really kills the joy of taking a walk for me. But no matter what, the Earth still turns, and life still goes on, and I am still employed....

Staying home is mainly what everyone did in the year of 2020. So my June is filled with home activity of cooking and watching Netflix. I'm so hooked on Netflix. I even got a little emotional watching some of the shows there, but not what you might think over some chick flick or Korean drama. Strangely I got a bit emotional last weekend when I was binge watching Stand-up Comedy, cause suddenly it brought back memories of a friend who shared Eddie Murphy's Delirious to me long long time ago when I was still in university. Suddenly I just miss my friend so much. It's not everyday you find someone who is totally in sync with you. Maybe just twice in a life time....

Anyway, highlights of June? After hunting for like weeks for cream cheese, I finally found some. And together with whipped cream which was damn expensive, I finally made the Burned Cheesecake using my air fryer. I've seen so many youtube clip on this recipe, and it looked so easy to make. I've always wanted to make cheesecake, but it always looked so complicated. But this recipe, super easy! Just 5 ingredient, put everything together and bake it. It taste so heavenly too! I'll make another one soon. It's a bit fattening to eat this weekly, so this week is a break week :P

The other highlight was a surprise delivery from my weird friend. She called me one weekend, and even then, I refused to pick up my phone. Then she text me and told me she was outside my house. What the hell! I hate surprise visit. I hate stalker friend. I opened the door, and she hand me these lovely box of egg tarts. I was like awwwwwwww. But it was covid19, so I closed the door after that. But it was really touching for me. Cause I've been seeing people on social media receiving delivered gift from their loves one, and nobody ever ever does that for me before. So I was kinda touched. I don't know why we are still friends to be frank. She is like 15 years younger than me! But then again, most of my friends are younger than me..... guess I'm just childish in nature.....

Lastly, Covid19 really got me into online shopping! I have been meaning to treat myself occasionally with gift to myself since I can't travel this year. And on my list of things to gift myself was this L'occitane Precious Face Cream which I love so much. It cost 100SGD, and I've always been on a look out for a discount to buy it. So one morning, around 4am to be precise, I woke early and was browsing through Facebook and saw that the cream was on 20% discount due to Great Singapore Sale, and only available online. So of course I immediately get my credit card and placed an order. And since this was my first purchase with them, I also googled for a first timer discount code, and got an additional 10SGD off. So that's a saving of SGD30! But the delivery cost SGD8, and I didn't want to pay it. So next on my list of gift to myself is a nice shampoo for my itching scalp. And what do you know, they also carry anti-dandraft shampoo. So by 5am, I was SGD105 poorer, but oh so happy! My budget for the two item was SGD200, but I spend only SGD105, so to me it was an awesome deal!

I waited whole week for the delivery, and it finally arrived today Saturday 4-July at around 9pm. And I was so happy opening it. Finally a gift to myself. I know SGD105 is a bit expensive for toiletries, but I hardly ever spend money on myself. I was earning money, and I can't travel. Anyway, I immediately went and took a bath and tried the shampoo. It smells so gorgeous, like perfumed. After my bath, I cleaned my pores and put on the face cream. The smell is just wonderful. I felt so pampered in luxury. I would say it's totally worth it. I love the face cream cause of the smell and the way it just absorbed into my skin with a kind of a tingling feeling. Imagine feeling like this daily. That is what I am aiming for. And hopefully when I am done with it, my skin would be flawless! Learn to love yourself!