Friday, December 7, 2018

Healthy Living Vegetarian Diet

With so much post of food, I don't want you to think that I am an unhealthy eater. On the contrary, I am a naturally healthy eater. Left on my own, I normally tend to eat a very vegetarian diet. I have a vengeance to live up to 65 to enable myself to fully utilise my CPF money! So apart from reading up on healthy living books, I've recently also tend to eat a very vegetarian diet since I change to my new job. Reason mainly: it was easier to eat vegetarian as we were always eating at Kopitiam due to having one Muslim colleague. We also go to eat at the hospital once a week, and they have a lovely vegetarian stall there. Vegetarian is also a lot cheaper if you buy it from a non-vegetarian store, meaning you only order vegetarian from a normal rice store instead of from a dedicated venetian store. 

For the month of December 2018, since there are so many left over junk food around the house (junk food here refers to conflates, biscuits, snacks etc), I decided to not buy anything but just consume everything at home. So for this week, I'm trying to clear off my koko crunch and expired milk. So conflates for dinner daily! I have a friend who lost 10kg just by switching to cornflakes and milk for lunch! Plus, he saved so much money too! So I decided to do the same for dinner. 

I was also not feeling well two weeks ago and had a fever. My husband made me orange juice which he fills into this special bottle. This is my juice bottle. Juice somehow taste better in it. When I do fall sick or feeling off the weather, I do tend to eat to cure myself. I do believe that food is medicine. I tend not to eat any medicine as much as possible, cause it was easier for me when I go donate blood. If the blood bank don't accept blood that has medicine in it, what makes us think that medicine is good for us? Ha!

My husband also got me this infused water bottle, and I have been hydrating myself a lot at work! It taste best with oranges, strawberries, and cucumber and mint. Although I don't have much fruits to throw in most of the days, it does make drinking water more fun when I do.

And as yuppy as it may sound, I love my avocado! I love love love it. Every time the price goes down, I'll buy and store them in the fridge. They are so yummy! I love eating them with toast. Above is avocado toast with eggs, also so yummy!

The other thing that taste awesome with toast is salsa. If you mix the two, you get guacamole! Another of my favourite. Oh man, blogging about food is making me hungry! The best part is, these are all so easy to make, so good to eat, and so healthy for you! Once you go vegetarian, meat actually taste dry and smell bad to you. 

One of the suggested recipe you see in vegan book is usually peanut butter toast with banana. I finally tried it the other day, and didn't like it very much. I bought a peanut butter that is just peanut butter and salt. It's kinda tasteless. Hahaha. But its filling. And it's healthy! And cheap!

I also love grilled brinjal. I am addicted to brinjal and can eat it daily. I heard it's not good to do that, so I try my best not to order it for every lunch meal. Above is grilled brinjal with miso paste. It goes great with white japanese rice! 

I'm also a great fan of oats. Cooked oats, over night oats, bake oats, oat biscuit, oat bread. Even raw oats, I'll eat them cause they are so fragrant. I have no fear of oats! And they are so cheap too! So if you want to save money and be healthy, go vegetarian! Why am I not a full vegetarian? Ha! Cause I still love certain meat dishes, mainly sashimi, wagyu beef, friend chicken etc. But I am cutting down more and more of these. And for weekend, I cook my own meal which is also healthier than if we were to go to a restaurant. That is why, to me, being retired is ok since I can spend half a day cooking and eating and loving it. There are so many recipe to try out! How can anyone be bored!

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