Thursday, March 14, 2019

Brazil Afro Museum - Arts

We will end our Brazil Afro Museum post and Biz Trip with something more positive. Arts! This post is about the art section in the museum, to erase some of the nightmare of the previous post! Haha. Above a very typical african piece near the scary dolls exhibit actually. But I love the strong dark blue backdrop and the simple art style of this piece.

There was one whole room of art made of recycled things. And it kinda tells the story of Africa, war, migration of people to Brazil? It was one whole room and you can walk around it and get closed. So here are some of the photo I took from it. Above the map of what I assumed to be Africa? 

Soldiers going to war made out of recycled materials. Look at all the yogurt bottle going into war!

Rows and rows of them! Tooth paste tub and call.

There were ships going into war, or slave ships I couldn't really tell.

Here's a better view of everything from the front. Kinda reminds me of Pirates of the Caribbean. 

There was a section of photo frames of scenes of Brazil with political messages as well. I only took one of the photo as most of the things looked alike but with just different motto. They look like street scenes of Brazil, or Africa. Can't really tell at this point since it was just  my 2nd day in Brazil and I haven't been out much. 

There were childlike looking clay art of scenes of Brazil/Africa as well. Not too impressive close up, but the colour and the detail was impressive enough. 

And lastly was one of my favourite part of the museum, media hall at the ground floor. I am not sure if it's a permanent exhibit, but it shows record and magazine cover. I really like the art and colour scheme of the media shown as well. I took just two photo of this section, mainly things that would be considered racist in America I guess. 

I always thought Negro was a taboo word. Or was it Nigga? But I did like the art piece design. And what was so special about this hall was, they were playing music from Africa/Brazil (can't tell). And the music was so soothing that I stood there for a long time pretending to look at the exhibit, but actually it was the music that made me linger. Soothing, jazz like music echoing thru the halls of museum echoing through the space is one of the most beautiful thing to experience. It was so calming. 

And so I'll just end here all the post on my trip to Brazil. It was my first trip there for business. I have a souvenir shot I took at the front of my office, but because it has the name of my company on it, I will not be posting it here in the public domain. I am not sure if I will get a chance to go back again, but I can say I don't mind going back. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. For all I know, the places I visit to like Rome or London may actually be more dangerous than Sao Paulo. I still feel scared here, but I keep reminding myself that we can't always live in fear and not venture out. That is not what live is about. Stay true to yourself! Explore!

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