Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Brazil Biz Trip (July 2019) - Relaxing Weekend in Sao Paulo

We survived the first week of User Acceptance Testing, and when weekend finally arrived, I was so relief. Although we usually have breakfast at 630am daily, on weekends, we decided to sleep in a little. But for me, it was a buffet breakfast, so on the first weekend, I decided to go down early on my own just to indulge and have a slow relaxing quiet breakfast. The above is the first gourmet sandwich that I made on that day. Look so beautiful, and taste so heavenly. I went down early also to get a table next to the road, so that I could have my morning coffee and look outside enjoying the view. 

The above is what I usually have for breakfast on a weekday. I would load up on eggs as my main protein as I only get a serving of meat during lunch in the company canteen. I would also have some cheese and hot oatmeal which I really love. And the little buns you see there are the delightful Pao de Queijo. I love these little savoury bites. I read that they make you fat, but who cares! On a whole, I usually loose weight while I am here as there isn't a lot of carbs I can load up on, and dinner are usually light too. 

But on weekend, voila! Sandwich construction day! So I would just take all the ingredient that I need for my sandwich: tomatoes, cucumber, bread with butter, cheese, and some sinful bacon. I would order my two sunny side egg as usual, and when it finally arrive, I would assemble everything to what you get in the below picture. And then I would enjoy it bite by bite. And that itself is heaven right there! Goodness, a whole post just on weekend breakfast!

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