Monday, November 19, 2018

Jwipo (Korean: 쥐포)

Jwipo (Korean: 쥐포) is a kind of a traditional Korean pressed fish jerky sold as a street snack. Made from the filefish (or Jwichi), it is dried, flattened and seasoned. Jwipo has a subtle sweet flavor. It is traditionally served hot, heated on a burner until it curls. - Wikipedia

I bought these packet of fried fish from Korea. They cost like maybe SGD1 each? I wasn't sure what they would taste like, so I only got two. And now I regret it, cause they are so so yummy! And the reason I bought these was because one upon a time, during a flight from somewhere to somewhere, I watched a Japanese series about a lady eating at a bar, and she ordered this dish as she saw some other elderly men that looked like her father eating it. And that scene stuck in my head, and I've always wanted to try it cause they made it looked so yummy and sophisticated. 

So how you eat it was, you toast the fish over fire to make it soft. I toasted mine in a toaster oven for 5 minutes. When it heats up, the fish becomes soft, and you take it out and cut it into slices as per above. Serve them with mustard mayo. I bought the Japanese type and OMG, once you start, you can't stop! It is so yummy! I am so so sad that I only have two pieces of this, and they were both gone within 2 weekend when we had guess over. If! If! If I ever go Korea again, I'm gonna buy a whole bag of these back!

Oh yeah, they are best served with an ice cold beer. I had mine with this special Japanese brewed beer which cost like SGD14 per bottle! Expensive! But the yuzu flavoured one was awesome. I don't know where to buy them again either cause I got these (2 bottles of it) from the 2018 Beer Fest in Singapore. Sometimes these food together just creates a special moment. And when you can capture it on camera, and post them on your blog with a little capture explaining them, they become a good memory and can last forever. And that is why I love taking pictures of my food. Cause they remind me of good memories of special moments that can never, or super hard, to be repeated.

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