Monday, October 7, 2024

Siem Reap - Banteay Srei Part 1


After a 30mins ride on our tuk tuk, we finally arrived at Banteay Srei. Apparently it's like a different town from the main Angkor Wat area, even though it was still part of the same archeological park. How interesting. So people actually live inside the park! I guess that is no different like me living inside a UNESCO city, lol. Above is me walking towards the temple. 

But first, a stone marker to mark where we were at. I took a photo of such signs everywhere I go so that I can always recall when I go through my photos where exactly I've visited. Without it, everything else turns into a blur or similar places.

There was a modern complex outside that greeted us. Interestingly I don't have much photos of it. Cause it was just toilets and souvenir shops etc. Nothing of interest to me. Walking away from it, was the main path to the temple. In our path to enlightenment, we must not stray from the path! Hahahaha. A little Buddhist joke there for you.

To the right of the path, (the Right Path, get it?), there was a Lotus Pond! So of course I got to detour to go take a look. Not much lotuses was in bloom, but I did captured these lovely pink lotus bud just about to blossom. Pretty in pink amid the sea of greens. Love it!

To the left of the path leads to the actual old temple. Above is the main entrance of it. From the look of it, it looked pretty small wouldn't you say? Yeah, looks are deceiving! And before I stepped into the temple, I actually forgot why on earth I wanted to visit this place. There must be something interesting about it for me to put it on my list!

All the facade of the temple looked so humble. 

But once inside, the courtyard opens up to smaller temple and rooms for worship. And once inside, I recall why I made Chork drove 30mins out here for, lol. 

At the entrance to every smaller temple structure, there were guardians. And I was here to see a very special guardians that had caught my attention in the guide book I've downloaded for last minute reference. What is so special about Banteay Srei, you will see in the next post!  Got to keep the suspense going, if not for you, at least for me :P 

Above is the view from the back of the temple looking in. Broad walk made the walk a lot easier, and there are stones in the middle of the courtyard. I think those are supposed to be lingam structures.... I think. I recall reading or watching about it in one of my post research video binge.....Forgive me for my lack of culture.  I came for the view. For the joy to be here, and absorb in this beautiful place and the present of it's history. So I leave you with this lovely photo below.

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