Friday, October 4, 2024

Siem Reap - Ta Prohm Part 1


Finally, lunch time! We told Chork our driver to bring us to somewhere with local food. Perhaps he misunderstood us, although I did managed to try the Fish Amok I wanted. He took us to an eatery, and we invited him to have lunch with us. It was more of a lunch set, and personally  I thought it was rather over priced. Almost 10SGD equivalent per person for a set rice meal and drinks. We did had a celebrity seated next to us though. I wasn't aware of it. I was eyeing his drinks and food with interest more than him. But when he left and came back cause he forgot his bags, I saw his face for the first time and though how handsome he looked. That was when the owner of the place told us that the guy seated next table to us was a popular celebrity in Cambodia. Haiya. Should have take a photo of him.

Above is Chork our Tuk Tuk driver. And in front of him, with the Ferrari sticker, is his tuk tuk. We engaged him a total of 3 times in our short trip, and my friend also engaged him for a half day tour of Angkor Wat the next day. He was always polite, and very obliging. Perhaps fate let our path cross this moment in time. I think he earned quite a lot from us!

After lunch, next temple was finally the one features in Tomb Raiders, with the giant trees! The entrance also had a face tower to it, which I found rather cute. Nothing says Cambodia more than these 4-faced tower. 

Again, another long walk into the jungle via a beautiful red soil path. But there was a slight difference this time. There were all these beautiful tall trees surrounding us!

Arriving at the temple. the front of it looked so small, so humble. 

But even here, you can see giant trees towering behind it. 

Again, it was a ruin. And some part of it have collapsing stones and rocks caving in. I am torn between whether people should actually come in and take better care of this place, maintaining it so that it will last longer for the future generation to see, or just let it be like it is now, authentic in it's own ways.... Selfish as I may sound, I rather things remain authentic. Even if it won't last forever. Sometimes when you try to help it survive, it begin to morph into something totally different, totally plasticky, totally fake....

Deep inside the temple. Broadwalks can be found inside, perhaps more to protect the ground of the temple. But I think the main highlight of this temple were the trees. 

Above is a view from the other end of the temple looking back. I love the giant stone steps. And again, the trees surrounding the temple. Trees are living things. Perhaps they are the guardians of these temple. Perhaps spirits resides in them. So much mysteries!

Here is an iconic looking one, with the tree roots totally covering the temple structure. Isn't this what people imagine what Angkor Wat is like from all the posters and tourism promotion materials?

And here are the bunch of tourist. Eavesdropping again, this time from a Mandarin speaking guide, he said that if there is a tree here, there is a queue of people waiting to take a photo with it. Lol. I wasn't the type to queue. I didn't need to have my photo taken with the trees. So I just took photos of the trees itself. 

Look at the amazing roots of this tree above. It almost looked like some sort of weaving being done! And the shape of the tree looks like a triangle too. Stunning!

Yes, I was very happy here. Me inside the temple of trees. Wait till you see my next post!

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