Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Siem Reap - Preah Khan Part 1


The next temple we went to required us to walk deep into the forest. At first I thought this was the temple that has all the trees swallowing it up, but soon realised that I was wrong. It does have a lot of trees walking in, and perhaps it used to have some giant trees inside the temple too as we saw signs of tree trunks that has been sawed off, perhaps due to safely concerns? Anyway, after a nice walk through the shaded path, we arrived at a pool of water. 

Again there were these stone man statue holding a long pole or something across the bridge. This temple was rather quiet, so I had a lot of time to explore as I wish. Even then, we kept to a one hour limit, seeing we have a packed schedule ahead of us. Lovely photo above, even if I do say so myself :P

Across the bridge, the temple appeared. A ruin, in a forest once. You could walk all the way inside to the other end. 

Above is a view while we were walking back. This is a side entrance. As I was walking by, I notice the stone statue standing at the entrance greeting tourist as they entered. I though, wow that looked very Greek. Why were we taught about the ancient ruins of Greek and Rome, but never about what is closer to home for us in Asia, or even ASEAN? These ruins were so much more complete and lovelier than the ones I saw in Italy. I felt cheated of my education! 

Again, like I am inside a game of Tomb Raider, walking through all these tunnels and corridors is going to be always exciting for me! Not to mention all the exercise you get on your leg! Every entrance requires a step up and step down of stairs. Add that all up through out the day, and you get a mighty pair of strong legs! I always feel grateful for my strong legs, especially when I am travelling. The stress I put them through daily. I am so glad they have remained strong and have never let me down! (except for the few times I slipped and fell....a few times.... )

Here is a view of a Tomb Raider treasure! With the sun shining in, the stone glowed, and it almost looked like gold from a certain angle! There was a tour group already inside when I reached this room, so I couldn't get a clear photo without anyone inside. This was the best I could get. Sunshine  coming in from the broken roof into a stone temple! What a sight! I felt like I was in a movie scene! Only this was better. This was real life. And once upon a time, these rooms, these corridors had real purpose, with real people walking through them in their daily lives....

At the other end of the temple looking back. I so love the tress and the sandy soil around it. 

Further to the end, we saw a small temple on it's own. I wasn't sure if it was part of the main temple. Perhaps it was a grave? A sinister place perhaps? I wasn't sure, but I went ahead to check it out, you know, since I was already there. 

It does look creepy doesn't it? Lol. It felt creepy too. 

And this is what it looked like inside. It was empty and dark. And there seems to be a stone marking at one end of it. And somehow, I didn't feel like stepping inside. So this was how far I went, lol. I still have a long life ahead of me, no need to take unnecessary risk!

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