Sunday, August 25, 2024

NotSoSolo Trip Bangkok (June 2024) - Grand Palace Murals


One of the very first attraction I found myself admiring when I first entered the palace ground, was these super long and beautiful mural painted on the walls of one of the building. Since the free tour registration desk was just next to the mural, I spend almost 20minutes looking at the murals while waiting for the tour to start. It went all around the building's wall. Later on, the guide told us that it was the longest mural in Thailand. And it tells the tail of mythical Siam long time ago. Stories of good and evil, and of royalty. 

The mural was very impressive to me, especially the detail and the colour of gold used in many parts of it. The stories can only be understood if you knew it before hand. Else you would just be looking a pictures without really appreciating the stories behind it. So apparently long time ago, there are giant demons that come and destroy villages and cities. Kinda like the story of Attack of Titans! Lol.

There were also scenes of funeral processions. Apparently when a King dies, the funeral may take up to a year, as they need to build a crypt for him. And you know by now, how decorative and elaborated their tombs can be!

More giant demons attacking people! I kinda like the drawing of giant demons. Do note not all the whole wall is like these! Hahahaha. I am just drawn to these demons. 

Here, a more elegant part of the mural. I love how they draw the costume of the people inside. The murals are constantly being touched up by artist to restore it. In fact, I saw some of them busy painting on the ladder while I was waiting for the tour to start. Artisan at work is always in a flow. 

To find out more on the mural, you can scan the QR code here :)

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