Sunday, August 4, 2024

Solo Trip Nagoya (August 2023) - SG > PG by SQ


Gees, did I not do a transit in Singapore for this trip? From the photos, it looked like I spend some time in Singapore! Lol. Above is a photo from East Coast Park. 

I also managed to grab my favourite economy fried beehoon while I was back. I don't know why, but I'm pretty addicted to this dish in Tampinese. Singapore doesn't really have very nice food as compared to Penang, but there are certain dishes that I love and miss. I try to eat them whenever I am back now. I even made a list for it! And it includes food that I can't get in Penang like MOS Burger, or Mr Donuts!

Back in Changi Airport Lounge. Guess I'm not hungry any more even though this would probably be my last time in an airport lounge. I sometimes wonder if I will ever get the chance again. I remember the very first time I took a Business Class flight. It was from Hanoi to Singapore, and I redeemed it using my krisflyer points cause I just wanted to experience luxury just one time in my life. I never imagined that I would ever get to fly business class on a business trip before until I joint Daimler! Lol. Hope interesting how my life has turned out.

When I got back, I started my Scrapbooking! Yes, I still do that. And I love it.

Some of the interesting I brought back with  me. Komeda Red Bean Paste! For the Nagoya style Ogura Toast breakfast! Now I can have it at home too!

Here's my breakfast set! Sadly, that paste was gone too soon! It was surprisingly nice to eat!

I also go this canele mix from one of the baking shop. It cost maybe just 2sgd? I love canele, so I thought I'll give it a try. I even got the mold and all.

I air-fried mine instead of baking.  But luckily they turned out ok!

I kept them in my new No-Face boxes.

I can't remember if I got the above cloth from Nagoya, but I did started sewing when I got home!

Here's a cute coin pouch I made, just to keep my coins in. I love this!

I also made an origami bag from the 3sgd a meter cloth I got. Love both my sewing product! I should really made more, but my life is surprisingly busy even thought I'm no longer working!

Lastly, I would like to say Bye Bye to my Elite Gold. I am grateful to get the chance to experience all that it had to offered me while I was qualified. I hope one day I can still qualify for it, but I think it would be unlikely..... Oh well, I had fun while it lasted. Thank you for the memories :)

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