Wednesday, August 28, 2024

NotSoSolo Trip Bangkok (June 2024) - Khon Performance

Walking out of my first museum. I was wondering where to go to watch the Khon Performance. I was also wondering where the textile museum was. But where I stood then, in one single line, was all the beautiful different stupa and roofs of the Grand Palace. So I took one photo here to remember it. 

I wanted to catch the 1pm show. And I wanted to make sure I catch the free shuttle bus there. But I have no idea where the bus was going to be at, except that it was at the exit. And I have no idea where the exit was! The ground was suddenly so big! And with not much clear directions! But I saw the sign for the textile museums, and I think I might have enough time to visit it before catching the last shuttle bus to the show.

But guess what! A matching band have to come by there and then! I mean, it was a rare sight! I am fortunate to see it, but I was also in a hurry! But the police man told me to stop running across the road and wait. The museum entrance was literally in front of me! But I have to wait for the royal band to marched by ..... Oh well, might as well take a photo!

The Textile Museum building was beautiful. Very european style. It displays all the royal clothes that the Queen has worn in the past. Since I wasn't interested in fashion much, I spend maybe just ten minutes inside.

But the grand hall leading up to the exhibition was pretty impressive though. I like it.

I managed to catch the bus to the theatre. The ride there itself was exhilarating! Cause I didn't know where the theatre was, and I didn't know if the bus was gonna bring me back to the same place. I didn't know how long the performance was gonna be either. But heck it! I was gonna go see the show! It was held at the Sala Chalermkrung Royal Theatre, and it's included in your 500baht ticket! Awesome to the max!

The royal theatre was quite a site. It wasn't modern looking or anything. But rather retro looking. I like that it looked very traditional.

The entrance to the theatre was also quite retro. It reminded me of the water puppet theatre I went to in Hanoi.

Inside, it had awesome aircon, so I managed to take a quite rest before the show started. No photography inside, but the show was very entertaining. It shows the dances from different era, and also different region. It also had a short segment of the story of Hanuman and the sea nymph. Very nice! So many dances on stage too! Totally worth the 500baht! Value for money!

After the show, I headed back to the shuttle bus area, and thankfully they provided transport back to the palace. Not many took the bus back, and some alighted at an earlier stop. So it was a rather relaxing ride for me. I took in some sight seeing, taking note that this was a rather nice walking path to take next time I'm back in Bangkok. All the government buildings were rather unique and great for photo taking too! Next time....

Another monument of the King along the road.

The bus turning into the Grand Palace road, with all the tuktuk lining outside waiting for clients. It was a rather long road, so I was glad I was on the bus, and not having to walk it.

Last photo of the Grand Palace main road. Kinda reminds me of the parliament road in Delhi....

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