Wednesday, August 7, 2024

NotSoSolo Trip Bangkok (June 2024) - Train to Hua Hin and Hua Hin Station


Just before pulling out from the Bangkok Train Station, I had some time to look out the window. I saw these two adorable kids just running around barefoot at one of the platform. I don't think they were travellers. They looked so at home at the train station. The platform floor was so clean that it was shinning too. And with all the coloured trains at the background, I took this photo and love it. There was just something very beautiful and simple about those two kids. 

And here, inside the 3rd class cabin, it's me and my two travel companion. A 4th one will join us at another station later. 

What I was looking forward to on the train, was actually the food vendors plying the train ever so often. They sold all sorts of food, drinks, snacks etc. I wanted to try every single one of them! But my friend kept giving me 'the eye' on those that she doesn't seems to approve of, lol. But I got the try the above, which I think is thai curry chicken with rice. It only cost 10baht, which is like 0.40sgd? It was worth 2 to 3 month full, but it was delicious! And I love how they package it!

I love it so much, I bought a second pack when the lady went pass again. This time, this taste and looked like palo sweet tofu and hard boil eggs. Super love it. I would have love to try more thai food!

When my friend's sister got on at her station, she also bought us some food, which is bbq meat and sticky rice like what is shown above. She also got us some bao, and the taro bao was super delicious! I forgot to take a photo of that as I was quite hungry. I don't know why, but I always seems to be the most hungry person in my group of friends, unless I'm going out with a bunch of guy friends.....

The last snack we got was this sweet pad thai tasting thing. We bought it over the window. We have to shout to the vendor and she will come around to sell it to you. Some of the passenger also helped us to shout for her, lol. It was really a very fun ride for me. I wonder if the vendors also go up to the first class cabin to sell these, or are their meals catered without all this chaos? I choose chaos!

As the train pulls into Hua Hin station, I managed to take this shot and love it! The blue ski, the colours, the ladies with the luggage, the road signs. Everything just falls into place. I think good photos depends a lot on luck. It's those rare moments. And you need to know when to not let that moment pass. You need to learn to appreciate those moments. I love it when I take a beautiful photography that I love. Cause it just speaks to me.

Hua Hin station was a tourist attraction itself. The old station, not the new one. You have to walk a short distance to reach the old station. 

Here is a view of it.

What's special about it is the wooden building, and the colours. It looked so retro.

Just outside the station, if you cross the road, you can walk all the way into HuaHin town. And you continue on, you will hit the sea! It's a very small town. You can walk everywhere! Which is what we did.

Here's us, starting our adventure in Hua Hin!

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