Thursday, August 29, 2024

NotSoSolo Trip Bangkok (June 2024) - Late Lunch at Wang Lang

After the Khon Performance, I rushed to look for my friends. I was afraid they might be angry with me for missing lunch with them :P  But I had to do what I had to do. Hope they understand :P I found them at a cafe, and after which, we took the ferry again to the other side of the river to go to a local street market at Wang Lang area.  

The pier to stop at was Tha Phra Chan Ferry Pier, and from there, just head left towards Wat Arun's direction and walk. I would have happily walked to Wat Arun from there, which was like a 20-30minutes walk, but my companion wanted to take the ferry there.... Anyway, I really like the Wang Lang street market, cause there was a lot of food there. While one of my friend did her shopping, I got some super cheap and thick milk coffee to drink as I have yet to have lunch and it almost 3pm. I also bought some Thai snacks back as souvenir, the fried tamarind vermicelli snacks that I love so much. I bought 3 boxes, gave one to my friend to try, one box for my cousin Kak Laz, and one for myself :)

For late lunch/teat, we wanted to try the famous fried oyster omelette here and asked around till we found the shop. I was dead hungry by now. We ordered a plate of tom yum seafood kinda soup which was super delicious, and we ordered the omelette. All my life I've always ordered one omelette to share with everyone. But here, my Thai friend ordered 3, one each per person. I was stunned! But it was so yummy that I finished all mine. It was served in a hotplate, which I totally love, cause I hate my oyster getting cold and fishy. Love love love the omelette here. And it wasn't that expensive either. Would love to come back here again in future! There was a lot of food I would have love to just sit down and eat along the way in the street market. It was a rather local market, so it didn't feel too touristy, which is what I like.

While walking around, I saw this truck selling fruits stopping at the traffic light, and the fruit was so cheap that the motorist was buying from them while waiting for the light to turn green. I find this rather comical. This is what I love about travelling, seeing the funny side of things from different country. During our road trip at Ayutthaya, I also saw a BBQ vendor on bike driving around, WHILE still fanning his bbq pit! It was so comical even my Thai friends find it funny. It's those lighter moments in life that I love while travelling. I like to document them down so that I remember, that travelling isn't always about seeing the main tourist attraction. It's about the human connection, the food, the culture. 

After Wang Lang, my friend didn't know where else to go, so I of course suggested we head to Wat Arun. It was on my to-see list! Actually I wanted to see it during sun rise and sun set, but travelling with friends made it kinda hard for me to do that. I will put it in my next trip agenda. I know I will be back in Thailand more often in future. The food alone is enough to make me return :)

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