Tuesday, August 20, 2024

NotSoSolo Trip Bangkok (June 2024) - Ayutthaya Floating Market


We took a small break from all the museums and temple and visited a nearby floating market. I didn't even know Ayutthaya has a floating market! But apparently all the Thais knew! Lots of them were here! This was my second visit to a floating market ever, and I've never once got on a boat! Initially I always have the impression that floating market means you get on a boat and cruise through the river buying stuff from other boats. Oh how wrong I was. It was the vendors that were on the boat! But of course, you can get on a boat too if you want, it's just mainly for tourist!

Just opposite the floating market, was an elephant sanctuary. We skipped that. I don't really like going anywhere were animals are kept in captivity. I don't even think having pets is humane.... Just a personal opinion. 

One thing unique about this floating market was, the backdrop of the Ayutthaya ruins behind. At certain angle, it almost looked like you've travelled back in time, and this was the busy town market. The ambiance of that was just priceless.

Here are different views of the floating market. You have to pay an entrance fee if you are a foreigner....

You could also take the touristy boat ride around the market. It wasn't a straight river per say, but more of around the moat area. The market and vendors are stationed more in a circular area, which kinda made the market quite pretty. 

There is also a big section just selling cooked food. You can just sit down and eat like you would any food court. Since we just came from lunch, we weren't hungry and just walked around it.

Here is what the boardwalk path of the market looked like. There is a section for the market deity worship corner. 

Boat noodles are also sold here, as are all other popular thai food.

I saw these custard pudding being sold in clay pots and really wanted to try it, but didn't.

And coconut ice cream too!

Maybe next time.

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