Friday, August 30, 2024

NotSoSolo Trip Bangkok (June 2024) - Wat Arun


Wat Arun, another famous attraction in Bangkok. Always features in those Thailand advertisement. Can't believe I've never been here, or even seen it even though I've been to Bangkok multiple times! I also have a good friend named Arun which I call "bro" while working in a Japanese bank. So of course I wanted to visit a temple with the same name, that's my travel logic! Lol. 

To get there was easy enough, you can't possibly miss the stop. The ferry practically stopped in front of it. It was one of the most crowded pier I saw on my trip there. And for such a famous place, it was rather small. I was expecting something bigger. But it was beautiful. But super crowded. 

Many tourist were dressed up in Thai traditional costume and busy taking photos everywhere. All the stupa was surrounded by people that I didn't even bother going up any of them. We went in by one of the side door, and quickly dart into one of the temple nearby.

Surprisingly the temple was rather empty. Everyone just wanted their photos with the beautiful stupa, not so much of the Gods here, lol. How practical of them. But it was lovely inside the temple. At least it was quiet. 

Gold statue of Buddha can be found here, as all similar temple across Thailand. But I still wanted to go in and pay my respect. 

Outside exploring the stupa, they were decorated mainly with tiles. Lots of lots of tiles. Very beautiful. Just too crowded to my liking.....

The costume worn were beautiful though. I've never dressed up and do such photo shot before. A friend has suggested we do something similar when we are in Kyoto at the end of the year, and I have agreed to it. I hope I have a good experience! I'm even keeping my hair long for this event! And I'm naturally losing weight due to a change in diet. Hope I have something beautiful to post by the end of the year! 

Took a photo of the logo or sign of Wat Arun. I like such symbols. 

And lastly, the main temple was at the back of Wat Arun, and this here is my miracle shot! Why? Cause half way inside Wat Arun, my mobile battery has more or less ran out. And me being me, I don't believe in carrying a power bank. So I was contented to just enjoy the place. But the moment I sat down in front of the Gods here, my mobile somehow came alive again! And I managed to capture two shots of this image before it shuts down again. A miracle I say! Buddha really wanted me to take this photo so that I would remember him! :) I felt truly blessed. 

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