Saturday, August 17, 2024

NotSoSolo Trip Bangkok (June 2024) - Ayutthaya Wat Mahathat

The next ruin we visited was Wat Mahathat. This ruins was build more similar to Khmer style, like what you may find in Angkor Wat Cambodia. And the special thing about this Wat was, I was gonna see a Buddha head in a tree! Above is the full view of the ruins. I love the colour of the photo, from the deep blue skies, to the reddish ruins, and green grass. It was such a perfect day to explore! 

Above is the view before we actually entered the ruins. 

Some official information about the wat,

When we entered, the one thing that kept my attraction, was this seated Buddha. I couldn't take my eyes off it, and took tonnes of photos of it in every single angle. It was just so beautiful. So serene. I am even considering putting it as my mobile screen saver, except I don't want to appear too religious, lol. 

I saw it from afar, and it looked so, I don't know, the feeling of sureness, the feeling of stable, the feeling of knowing. That's how I see it anyway. Above is a photo of it with a tree in front. I was trying to capture the jungle temple feel of Angkor Wat. It had a feel of me peeping at Buddha, trying to learn his secret.

Here's another one closed up. It's just the colour, and the posture. I am just drawn to it. 

After spending more time looking at the seated Buddha, I finally saw the Buddha head in a tree. It was unique! I couldn't find any explanation text on it. I guess the tree really swallowed up the statue! It does make an artistic artefacts though. 

Moving further in, are the ruins. Red brick temples and tombs surrounding the area. Above photo shows how tall they are, as compared to a group of tourist standing there. 

Some of these are tombs, with a guardian statue at the base guarding it.

There were also statues of Buddha littered all over the place, some without arms, some without head. I wonder what happened to them. I saw many such statues in Buddhist ruins, and my husband told me that people might have taken the head to sell for money. There were a lot of tales of looters. In the museums, you can read more about it. How the temples were once covered in gold, now stone bare in bricks and stone.

It's the colour of nature that I like. The colour of everything earthly.

A model of the reconstructed temple is also available next to the ruins. 

Here is me, my head, with the head of Buddha in the tree :)

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