Friday, August 2, 2024

Solo Trip Nagoya (August 2023) - Nagoya Archives


After visiting the castle, I saw on the map that Nagoya Archives was nearby, and on the direction I am headed back to the hotel. Since it is a free entrance attraction, I decided to head it there. Above is what it looked like from the front view. Unfortunately, I came from the side of the building, and was actually questioning whether I was at the right place as it looked kinda run down.

But I found the courage to walked up to the main door and stepped in. It was an old building. There was hardly anyone there. But it was so beautiful! It was those grand old building of the past. I love wandering into such buildings. They always felt so spacious and cold and solid. Slightly haunting, but in a romantic way. This was no different. The beautiful grand stairs leading upstairs, with all the stained glass decoration blew my breath away.

It even has a stained glass ceiling! I read that many Japanese likes to come here for their wedding photos. I can see why! 

This is a view taken from the top of the stairs looking down and back to the main entrance. Not a single person around. Sometimes I wonder why I always end up in such beautiful places, but with no one around to admire them. Surely this would make a wonderful place to visit? Instead of LegoLand which can be found in more than one place in the world? Lol. Maybe it's just me who thinks like that. I think I have an old soul.

There are some galleries upstairs. One was a court layout. Apparently this building used to be a court house. So they have redo a room to reflect the history of the place. Love that everything is wood. There is a similar beautiful place in Singapore, it's call the National Gallery. You can find similar wooden layout of a court setting there too. National Gallery is also another wonderful place where I am always discovering something new every time I stepped into the building. 

At the exhibition hall, I found many retro prints and poster of old Nagoya. I love stuff like these! Leaving some here for your viewing pleasure.

Lastly, a photo of me. I think this is my last photo of a place I visit in Nagoya. I was leaving early next morning. But I'm so glad I stopped by this place before I leave. There was a coffee cafe at the ground floor, at the back of the building. It looked like a cosy place for a drink, but I didn't went in cause it was kind of an intimate place where the owner probably come and chat with you. The drinks were proper cafe priced too. As it was my last day, I was tired too, and didn't want to burn my brains out trying to have a last conversation in Japanese. So I just walked pass it 2 or 3 times before deciding to leave, lol. Bye bye Nagoya! Thank you for taking such good care of me! I hope to be back one day in future. I think, this is the only city in Japan that I have spend the most time in, and on my own too! It almost felt like home by the end of my 2 weeks there! It was an unforgettable experience that I will never forget! 

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