Monday, August 19, 2024

NotSoSolo Trip Bangkok (June 2024) - Ayutthaya Gold Museum


After lunch my sneaky friend said that we will visit the museum, mainly to take shelter from the afternoon sun since there is aircon in the museum. Well, at least it was a gold museum, showcasing the gold treasures that were found in the tombs of Ayutthaya long time ago. The wonderful thing about driving here, all the parking was free! Coming from a country like Singapore, this is kind of an unheard of thing in Singapore! Hahahaha. I am always amazed to see free parking, especially at a tourist spot!

When they say gold museum, it really was filled with gold pieces! Mainly jewelries, but also some daily utilities. Apparently the stone tombs I saw in the morning used to be covered in gold itself, but it was stripped bare by looters. How sad. But here, we saw models of it in a smaller scale. 

This is where I also learnt that the tombs I saw outside, actually goes deep all the way down, where the bodies, as well as the treasures are found. Now it made sense that the staircase on the tomb leads to no doors. Cause everything was sealed shut once the body has been placed inside. So much effort, for a dead body..... Wait till I blog about the royal tombs I saw in Korea! Goodness, almost a tiny hill! Lol. 

After a few exhibition hall, we came to a lighted area with glass windows overlooking the Cambodian Style structure outside. I've recently just did a crash course in Khmer history after visiting Siem Reap. But before my Cambodian trip, I thought Ayutthaya was the closes I would ever get to see the great Angkor Wat. So I was fascinated by anything of Khmer design. And this glass window with the actual building behind was just beautiful, cause on the window it has the actual full building in it's full glory, and at the back the ruins. What a contrast. Awesome display!

As the Khmer Empire was so big and powerful long time back, the Thai King actually wanted to build something similar in Thailand like Angkor Wat. So one of the temple was design that way. Later on, when it comes to the Grand Palace post, I will also post a model of Angkor Wat and the story behind it. All I can say is, after visiting Angkor, I have a better appreciation of my experience in Thailand, as well as in Siem Reap.

True to it's name of gold museum, lots of beautiful gold amulet was on display. 

But as much as most people love the gold glitter, I like the simplicity of these stone or ash amulet and decorative. Beauty and art, should be made available to all, not just to the rich! And nature, is the best provider of beauty in the world :)

I can't remember the size of these, but I think they were all in the amulet sections. 

Thai loves amulet made of ashes. I love them too. I think it's such a personal charm. I don't own one though. But my husband has a dead monk's ashes amulet in his car for protection and safety. Wish I've kept some of my Dad's ashes when he passed. But so much was going on during the funeral that everything was just a blur, and all I wanted was to get it over with.

Lastly, inside the tombs of Ayutthaya, there are ceramic tiles lining the walls and ceilings. As part of the reconstruction and preservation, a Japanese company has been helping the Thai reprint the tiles so that the art and history are not lost in time. Above is a same of a Japanese ceramic print on tiles displayed at the museum. I though It was just beautiful.

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