Saturday, August 31, 2024

NotSoSolo Trip Bangkok (June 2024) - Bye Bye Bangkok, See You Again Soon!


The next day, we left early to catch our flight home :(  My friend had arranged for an airport transfer which I shared with her. I know airport transfers are convenient, but personally, I prefer public transport when I travel. It's just a personal preference. I guess I like to 'suffer' when I travel! Haha. The airport itself was also adorn with Thai gold statues. Lovely. I wonder is it the same in Malaysia KLIA airport. I've never been to the arrival or departure hall of KLIA before in my life! I've been inside the transit area recently, and boy was it boring! 

Since it was still early, and we haven't had breakfast yet, my friend was kind enough to give me a treat before we parted ways. I guess she really wanted to eat the porridge one last time before leaving Thailand. Above was what she ordered. Porridge in Thailand is amazing! I super love it too! But I also have another dish which I have yet to eat during this current trip, and that was.....

Pig trotter rice! I love love love this dish, especially if it's served with the oily part of the pig, or with super soft melt-in-your-mouth pig skin. Love the taste, the smell, and the collagen that I can feel absorbing into my body. I always try to eat this at least once whenever I am in Thailand. It's weird, cause I can also get a very good version of this back home  in Penang. There is this Thai lady that sells it at a nearby town near by home, and me and my husband always go there for lunch whenever he comes and visit me :)

Anyway, after breakfast, we parted ways as my friend's flight was earlier than mine. But I managed to check-in early too and went in to browse around. Surprisingly, I still have a lot of Thai baht left, so I got myself a mini Choya Umeshu Set. I do miss the taste of it sometimes. Yet I have yet to drink it.... Better drink it before my husband comes visit!

Some snacks I got from my trip. The Fishermen's Friend flavour in Thailand was totally different from what we have in Malaysia or Singapore. I bought two to try, a rather expensive sweets, but super nice cause it has chocolates! I also love the dehydrated jackfruits. I can finish a pack in one seating no problem. 

And here are also my must buy whenever I am in Thailand, the thai sauces! My personal favourite is the sauce in three packets! It's a super spicy stir fry sauce that makes me cry. Love it! And I can cook it almost meatless too. Palo sauce is also a must for me, and of course curries and tom yam. My cousin recently recommended Royal Elephant to me, so I bought two to try. I cooked the green curry recently when my mum came to stay, and we both love it! So I bought 3 more packets during my transit there in August. I've cooked the massaman curry just this week, and it was lovely! So yeah, lifestyle inflation for me! But a better quality of life :)  Cheers! I'll be back soon Thailand! On the whole, I spend only 600sgd for my whole trip, which was 60% of what I've actually budgeted for the trip! So yeah! Money's worth trip! Can do it again!

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