Sunday, May 12, 2024

Solo Trip - Taiwan (July 2023) - Taichung NSM On the Oceanic Edge

Since I have till lunch time to explore the museum, I decided to start slow before jumping into the dinosaur exhibit. The first exhibit I went to was Oceanic Edge, and this marks the start of a beautiful display of the museum. I love the colour scheme, the wordings, and how the items are being displayed in most of the exhibit hall here. I mean, look at the above photo, does it look boring to you at the least? Not to me it doesn't! I was pleasantly surprised and learned a lot in the museum due to just the attractive ways things are being displayed

The first exhibit was more on oceanic fossils. And I've never seen such beautiful fossils before. Although I did visit Nagoya Port Aquarium after that to see something similar, this place must have the nicest ocean fossils I've came across. Granted the only other Natural Science Museum I've ever visited was the one in UK and Singapore, lol. 

I was initially stunned that Taiwan would have so many beautiful fossils in their possession. Reading more into the display description, I saw that many were actually on loan from other countries. In fact, manny were from South America, or Europe and America. What great networking. Sometimes I wonder why Malaysia and Singapore doesn't developed their love for science more. Is it because of the culture and religious background of the people? Even the love for books or creativity is lacking in my two hometown....

The fossils started off with plants found preserved in rocks. They looked so beautiful.

Shell fish and more primitive life forms found preserved forever in rocks and stone.

And slowly we see fishes started to appear in the fossils along the plants, preserved forever in history in this slab of rocks. To me, that was just so amazing, and so beautiful. I do find nature beautiful, and I'll always remember the first dissection I did of a mouse. I was filled with awe instead of discuss at looking at all the internal organs. It is the same when I am in these beautiful museums, I am filled with awe about love, evolutions, and just the world we live in in general :)  I mean, why wouldn't anyone? It's such an amazing place!

A whole fish, preserved in time. The details of the fossils was amazing!

I've never seen fishes with molar teeth before. And how come the colours are different? 

You can even witness evolution in these fossils. Here is a fish slowly developing legs.....

Slowly but surely, the life in sea found it's way somehow crawling up on land. Fascinating! 

It was not a big exhibit, but it was quality over quantity. And things were very well maintained!

At the end of it, were bones of dinosaurs. A small preview of what is to come! :)

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