Friday, May 31, 2024

Solo Trip - Taiwan (July 2023) - Taipei Breakfast 葉家肉粥 Dadaocheng Cisheng Temple

The next morning, I decided to try my luck again at a porridge place I wanted to try. I wanted to go there when I first landed in Taipei, but the shop don't open till like 9am. I didn't have the time then, but now, at the tail end of my trip, it was more easy going schedule, so I took the same walk there. Above is the front view of the porridge place, just outside of Cisheng Temple. It was a pretty local place. 

But everyone eats behind the shop! At the temple ground, beneath the beautiful trees. This is the Taipei I want to be absorbed in!

Here is the shop. The guy in front of me took a while to order that the owner just ask me what I wanted and took my order first, lol. I already knew what I wanted! Porridge and fermented fried pork! That was what they were famous for!

I sat at a table under the tree, surrounded old uncles this time. I had to share a table with one too. But he hurried finished his porridge and left. I was able to enjoy my breakfast alone until a group of tourist came and asked to share my table....

My breakfast. The porridge was a bit watery, but it was delicious with the fried fermented pork. To be honest, it was quite expensive. almost 5sgd for breakfast! But this was Taipei, what did I expect. At least it was delicious. And eating in front of the temple underneath all those beautiful tree, was a nice experience to remember by. No regrets! Would go again if I am back in Taipei.

Usually, it is customary for me to pay my respect to the local deity before wandering around their town or area. But because I was hungry, I did this after my fulfilling breakfast. Above is the small Cisheng Temple. It's not very famous, and quite hard to get to, hence the very local feel of the whole area. 

Inside, I saw the mazu gods. I love these gods. My mum said they looked scary, why was I so fascinated by them. Well, it's because on my very first trip to Taiwan, it actually coincide with the Mazu Festival, and I had the chance to walked among these giant gods on the streets of Taipei! I would never forget the experience. It was just so surreal. And I have love these Gods even since.

More Gods. 

And lastly, me at the roof top of the temple :)

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