Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Solo Trip - Taiwan (July 2023) - Tainan Confucius Temple Part 1


Since I have quite a lot of time before the Hayashi Department store opens, and since I have a discount coupon for the Confucius Temple which happens to be nearby, I decided to spend some time there to see what this place was all about. I have read that it was a fun place for kids as they have cute scholar cutout inside the temple. But I think that event is over as I didn't see any during my visit. Anyway, the Confucius Temple has a free outdoor area where one can visit for free. I would even say it was well worth the walk around the place. Here are some of the things you can see for free.

There are lots of doors dividing up the courtyard and garden area. Each door has some Chinese characters written on top of them, all related to Confucius teaching or philosophy. So for example the one above, has the meaning of all are welcome to enter and learn. I like that wordings. It's so inclusive. 

My Chinese is not too good, but I know auspicious character when I see them. Above is the door to enter for gaining erm... human good behaviour? Or good nature? Something along that line? Lol. 

Or this one, that says path of good things? Or good heart?

Gate of politeness? Or cultured?

There was also a small pagoda on the ground, for people to go and contemplate the teachings of Confucius. It's closed though, so I couldn't go up it.

There was also a weird trishaw figurine in the compound. I'm pretty sure that's not Confucius....

But here is what's totally worth the visit without paying anything, the hall of scholar. It's doors are wide open, and you are free to wander in and read the teachings of Confucius. The calligraphy here was pretty impressive! I love some of the writings here. 

Here is a front view in case you want to read the full wordings. My Chinese is not that good to read this.

I love this hall, cause it's bright and airy, and the lovely red doors are just beautiful. It's also super clean here, and quiet. I wonder why aren't there more people here? 

I love this character on the right. Does it mean filial piety? It can also mean respect and obedience. Ok, maybe it's a brain washing thing that now that I think about it. I don't really like the meaning of it. But I do like the character 孝.

Leaving this post with a green picture of a squirrel running on the roof of the garden. There were so many squirrel here, because the garden is actually filled with fruit trees!

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