Friday, May 17, 2024

Solo Trip - Taiwan (July 2023) - Taichung NSM The Journey of Human Life

Next comes a hall all about ourself! Humans! The Journey of Human Life. Isn't it a nice touch that they placed a pregnant lady statue there? Just before you were born.... Again, I thought this hall would be boring, and AGAIN, pleasantly surprised. Everything here is so hands-on!

One of the exhibit was a station with three machines that helps uniquely identify you. This was the first time I've seen something so advance in a science museum. Am I that outdated? Or should I visit more museums? I had a lot of fun here learning more about my own trademark.

The first was Iris recognition. There is a camera that actually scans your iris and tells you more about it. This is not new since it's already being used by coms immigration system in the certain countries.

Next is voice recognition. You can actually speak into a mic and they will mark out the voice print. I wonder how reliable this was. 

Last was the fingerprint. Even our mobile phone uses this nowadays. Interestingly, my mobile can't recognised my fingerprint if I go to a cold country and all my skins dried up. It took nearly a month before the normal print is visible again for the mobile to detect it. 

There is also a heat image camera. I wonder, is this same as aura photo? Some places charged you money to get a photo like that. I took mine here for free. Don't mind the hand blocking my face, I was trying to take a selfie :P

Next, an eyeball motion detection. Wow, this was the first time I played with this. You could use your eyeballs to move the mouse around on the screen. It was so cool!

Next, a lot on aging of the human body, how we grow old and breakdown. Yes, a bit depressing. But better to know more about it so that we know what to expect, then be caught by surprise, right? At this age and time, science and technology has advanced so much that we are living longer and longer. But living longer should also come hand in hand with quality of life and health!

Some advice on how to keep your brain healthy to slow down aging. I guess once our brains are gone, it is as good as our whole existence is gone. Our memories, our abilities to remember, to reason, to understand etc. Gone. So do try to keep yourself active physically, as well as mentally. Play games if you have to. Do things that may looked childish if you have to, like painting, drawing, arts and craft. Learn. Keep on learning. Languages, knowledge, DIY, anything! There is more to life than just growing old and dying!

The exhibit closes with how human tries to achieve immortality, from long time back till today. They have the Egyptians Mummy, where all the organs and the whole body is preserved. With all the religious scripts surrounding it, hoping that the dead lives on in another life, or perhaps can be brought back to life again one day? Preserved, just in case they need anything when they are back?

The Chinese too have their own mummies. The Jade Burial, where the body is covered in a suit of jade to preserved it. 

And now? the coolest of it all, literally, nitrogen freezing via cryogenic tanks. I mean, I've seen these in documentaries and movies before, but to see it in real life right in front of you, kinda make the future seems closer than you imagine it to be. It was a surprisingly educational exhibit on human from start to finish!

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