Monday, May 13, 2024

Solo Trip - Taiwan (July 2023) - Taichung NSM Sketches

Besides the dedicated exhibit halls, there were also small popups exhibit in the common area connecting the halls together. While I was there, there was a display on natural science sketches, and they were so beautiful that they deserve a posting by themselves! The beauty of a scientific sketch is to get every minute details that differentiate each plants or a creature apart. Above is a collection of crabs, each different. Isn't it amazing?

Simple plant sketches highlighting the leaves and vein is in its' self beautiful. Everything natural is beautiful. The colour scheme just naturally calms the nerves.

Flowers add colours to the natural world and many famous paintings are of flowers. But natural sketches is more to capture the actual look of a species of flowers instead of an artistic interpretation of it. I think sketching is a great hobby to develop. It helps you see things in details, documents it, and you have a beautiful art piece as an end results. Ah..... It's one of my retirement hobby to take up, but there are still so many things to do that I've not gotten around it yet even though all the materials are there ready!

A more impressionistic sketching of nature.... love the black background coloured paper. It really brings out the sketches in colour.

Lastly, some beautiful animal sketches. 

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