Thursday, May 23, 2024

Solo Trip - Taiwan (July 2023) - Taichung > Taipei via Train

On my last morning in Taichung, I went back to the same breakfast shop and ordered the toast sandwich and soya milk for my breakfast. The guy serving me actually remembered me :)  How sweet. The breakfast was again, delicious! And I do miss it after that. I tried a similar one in Taipei before I left Taiwan, but it wasn't as good, and was 3 times more expensive! 

After breakfast, I went to the nearby market, and bought some sun biscuit for my ex-colleagues in Taipei, as well as ex-colleagues in Singapore. I bought some individually packed one for myself to try to. Apparently Taichung is famous for it's sun biscuits! Of, did I mentioned that the hotel I stayed as provides tea bags and snacks at their lobby? I always take some whenever I come back to the hotel. Hence the different tea bags and snacks in the picture. I usually eat all the snacks, but keep the tea bag to bring home to drink. 

Checking out, I walked towards Taichung Train Station.

It looks kinda like Jurong Interchange Station if you are familiar with Singapore. Super huge! And lots of shops inside. You could dine there, buy food there etc. I saw this super cute bakery there with all these cute cat pictures decorating the window! Kawaii!

Inside the station waiting for my train....

It was a longer ride back to Taipei. As usual I always get the window seat, and took some time to take some photos. Here are some of the view from the train.

Rivers, streams, mountains, skies.... I love train rides!

Upon reaching Taipei, I was kinda late, so navigating my way through the maze of the Taipei Underground, I found my hotel. Above is what my single room looked like. It has an attached bathroom, but no windows! I kinda overlooked the no window part. Luckily the door connecting to the bathroom has a small window, so I left the lights on at night and it kinda looked like a window....

Reading materials in the room. I wonder if I can take these books? I was always too tired to read them!

My ex-colleague was waiting for me when I reached the hotel! So happy to see him. He came over just to take this photo together cause we forgot to take a wefie when we had lunch the other day! He stayed to chat a while before going back. Always nice to meet up with old friends! Thank you for entertaining me in Taipei!

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