Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Solo Trip - Taiwan (July 2023) - Taichung NSM Dinosaurs!


The highlight of my visit to the Natural Science Museum was to see the dinosaurs! Finally I reached this magnificent hall! And I was so not disappointed. I guess in many ways, I wasn't expecting much of a museum in the middle of Taiwan. Thank goodness I was pleasantly surprised. The above photo is the entrance to the dinosaur hall, and it was only the ground level.  At one glance, you could already see all the highlights! And what is beautiful about the hall, unlike the other halls that I went through, this one has huge glass windows that lets the natural light in, shining directly on the skeletons of the giant lizards. 

It was nice they put the skeleton near the windows, while still having the t-rex in the middle of the hall. 

Above the two baby dinosaurs reminded me of those found in the movie Jurassic Park. 

The silhouette of the giant lizard is just too beautiful.

Here's from a scale perspective, the guardian of the dinosaur hall sitting in front of it.

Besides the ground level, you could also go up to the more detailed exhibit about the dinosaur. Here you will find smaller lizards, but still dinosaurs no doubt. 

There were smaller dinosaurs everywhere, and also some pictures of dinosaur fossils. 

Here we have the transition from lizard to bird via the flying dinosaur species. 

Lots of student were understandably excited to see the dinosaurs. They teacher or guide were also passionate about explaining it to them. I'm wondering, is there even a science museum in Malaysia? 

Besides the usual educational display, there were also other funner display to be found. Like this one on how the dinosaur disappeared. 

Lastly, here is another great display of the death of the dinosaur. I'll leave it to you for interpretation :P

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