Sunday, May 19, 2024

Solo Trip - Taiwan (July 2023) - Taichung NSM Chinese Spirituality and Medicine


Once all the natural science topic was covered, there were a few halls dedicated to Chinese related exhibit. I was equally fascinated by them. Being more familiar with western information as I mostly read English material, I was quite surprised that Chinese too have so many advance technology even in the old period.  For example the below structure, it was kind of a detector for earthquake. I always thought those technology only comes from the wester world, lol. At least, that is the impression you get when you watch the global news these days. 

It was such a gigantic structure too!

There was also a hall on Chinese spirituality, which was quite interesting too. For example, I though the above were the guardians of hell, but since there were 12 of them, on closer inspection, there are the 12 zodiac in, erm, human forms? Yeah, I don't get it either, let's move on!

There was a lot on tao, and warding of evils, and balance and stuff. My mandarin ain't good enough to read all those complicated text here, so I took some photos and hope one day I will realise what they mean. Which reminds me, that's how I listen to my Chinese songs too. Just last night I was google lyrics and trying to translate or guess the meaning of a beautiful song from Zhang Zhen Yue which I have been listening to for a while. Sometimes you can't trust the English translation, so I'm just looking at the Chinese characters and guessing the meaning based on my best abilities too, lol. I guess I may need to seek help from others if I really want to know the meaning. I did the same for Cantonese songs too! Hey, at least I am learning!

More chinese, are these related to qi? Or meridians? I was never good on these. 

There was a section on QiGong too, an art form that I am actually quite interested to learn but never gotten around to it. I always though all these were for old people, slow movement and such. But after doing yoga for a few years, I now know that the slower the movement, the harder it is! I had a very sadist yoga teacher who likes to make the class super slow motion when he is in a lousy mood....

Lot's of drawings and pictures of erm, old people? Gods? 

I just like these cause it's chinese and I am chinese too :P

There was something about scrolls and spells and talisman too. I think this is one of them.

And some information on warding of ghost and evil beings from your home.

There are actually auspicious symbols and tiles that people use around their house to  guard it from evil spirit. Very Fengshui? Or just ancient superstitious belief? Chinese houses are always surrounded by these, right? Auspicious everything, from plants, to numbers, to wordings etc. Even me in my own modern home have all these weird stuff even though I don't believe in them. It's just something that, I guess, balance the 'energy' in the house? Just something to make yourself calmer.... make sense?

There was a section on Chinese Medicine which I was really hooked on. It was almost lunch time, and yet I stayed on to watch almost 2 or 3 video clips about Chinese Medicine. Learned so much in those short hour. Each clip was around 15 to 20 minutes. Perhaps every Chinese already knew about it, cause there wasn't anyone watching it with me except a chinese lady who was just sitting there and sneakily eating an apple..... I have never consulted a Chinese doctor before. But I am a fan of chinese herbal soup, does that count? And I mixed my own herbs too, cause I hate those pre-packet ones that usually contains I hate, like orange peels or sweet dates and fig which makes the soup super sweet and smells funny to me. So yeah, again, it is an area that I am interested in. If I wasn't travelling so much, maybe I should slowly pick up more knowledge on this..... hmmmm. Let me ponder over that ....

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