Thursday, May 16, 2024

Solo Trip - Taiwan (July 2023) - Taichung NSM Pre-historic Humans


Right at the end of the dinosaur exhibit, we come next to the homo sapiens, or the cave man era. No they did not exist on the same time as dinosaurs, they came after. Again, the exhibit, although small, was beautifully curated. Like the above, it shows network of caves and how homo sapiens find shelter in these caves to keep themselves safe from the natural elements and wild beast. 

And apparently, fire was already discovered by this time, so the caves are illuminated.

They also have displays of different homo sapiens from different period. Do we call them all sapiens? Think not. Neanderthals perhaps? You could also compare it with the ape family in terms of the skeleton structure.

The above does exactly that, showing you the similarity between humans, apes, monkeys etc. Same same, but different!

There were also a beautiful glass displayed of the ancient humans. Man, the aesthetic of this place, I just can't say enough of it!

I also took this picture of the origin of species which would probably be banned in my own country, lol.
It also kinda reminded me of the story Animal Farm. I leave you here with below photos which I can't even recall why I took it except that it looked so beautiful. I think it is a one-glance summary of the earth's evolution. 

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