Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Solo Trip - Taiwan (July 2023) - Taipei Maokong Tea Cafe


Walking back to town, I wasn't satisfied until I bought some tea from here. I have the budget for it, and I really wanted to get something local. Luckily, I came across this beautiful tea shop above. They sell different types of tea in cat canister! How cute! I went in to take a look, and an old aunty started talking to me. I asked her about Maokong tea, and she recommended a few to me. I ended buying three small cans from her and was rather happy about my purchase. Mission accomplished!

The tea shop was joint next to a cafe, and they serve tea ice cream with cat shaped biscuit on it. How could I walk away without trying this? It was almost the end phase of my trip, so I decided to splurge again and went in.

I ordered the tea ice cream. And it was SOOOOOO GOOOOD! I can really taste the tea flavour in it. I'm even gonna say that it was better than the Miyahara Ice Cream I had in Taichung. This one was a lot stronger and fragrant. Totally LOVE IT! Would come again anytime!

I also ordered a pot of tea since I wanted to sit there to enjoy it while waiting for sunset. Above is how they serve it, in a kind of a french press, and a thermal flask. The service of the staff there was amazing. I might have sat there 1 or 2 hours just drinking tea, and they never seems to hurry me off. In fact, they kept asking me if I wanted to refill the flask. I felt so happy just being there and feeling so welcome. In some shops, they will just refill it once, and wait for you to leave the shop! Oh, the pamphlet was about how to brew different types of tea. The tea shop aunty gave it to me :)

The beautiful tea cups. One was for drinking tea. And one was snacks that the tea shop aunty next door randomly came over and served me some free snacks! I love Taiwan Aunties! They are so generous! Of course being an aunty age myself, I do tend to talk to them too, lol. Aunties Unite!

Here are the snacks she gave me. Thank you so much!

This is what the cafe front view looked like. It is right at the main street of the town. And no, that is not my car. It's the owner's car I assume. There wasn't much customer in the afternoon as it rained and the cable car actually stopped operating. This causes no tourist to be able to get to Maokong! Lucky me! I more or less had the whole place to myself! One of the best tea experience I had in Taiwan! The other was in JiuFen. Both time, I went alone :)

The beautiful tea shop attended by the aunty. Do visit her if you are here!

My budget damage, OMG only 11SGD! I wish I can go again RIGHT NOW!

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