Saturday, May 11, 2024

Solo Trip - Taiwan (July 2023) - Taichung Breakfast & Natural Science Museum


On my first morning in Taichung, I decided to go have a local breakfast just behind my hotel. The review for the place was very good, and the price looks quite affordable too. Above is what the shop looked like. I've already reviewed the menu the night before and knew what I wanted to order. Lol. I need to google and ask around to ensure I ordered the correct things.

Here's a look of the menu. Complicated, right? For some reason, I ordered the drink wrong on the first day.....I wanted milk tea, but I ordered just red tea..... such a failure. I often get mixed up milk, milk tea, soya milk....

Here's my very nice breakfast. I think it's ham, bacon, egg pancake? Something quite filling. And I'm so glad I had a good breakfast before headed to the museum. Cause it was a total chaos there during lunch time. After the nice breakfast, I took a bus to the museum. 

It was a short walk from the bus stop, but then I saw the sign.

Walking a bit further, I came to an opening and there was the building for the museum. Pretty impressive!

I took a look at the tickets, and have no idea what tickets to buy. I just know that I wanted to see the dinosaur. So this was what I did.

I took a photo of the above, and showed it to the ticket seller when it was my turn. Lol. I told her I wanted to see this, which ticket should I get? She suggested some ticket which I couldn't understand, and I said OK. The price was super cheap, so I didn't really minded how much it cost. Secretly I was hoping it was the main museum entrance ticket so that I can see other exhibits too. Anything extra was a bonus for me! And boy was I pleasantly surprised! The place was amazing! I will share here some of my favourite exhibits. I initially thought I was gonna spend an hour here, but I ended up spending almost 6 hours! It was totally worth it! A great way to spend the day.  

As the imax ticket was rather cheap too, just 100NT around 4sgd? I also got a ticket to the show that I think would look good on an imax - Ancient Caves. I booked the lunch time slot, hoping it won't be too crowded.

I spend the morning exploring the museum. There were so many school kids there on their excursion. Which explains why I couldn't get anything to eat for lunch. The only shop there was a McDonald, and the queue was horrible! It was so crowded. I went to a kiosk at the park and got two german sausage as my lunch instead. Quite a miserable lunch, but it was ok. I wanted to spend as much time as possible inside the museum

After my pathetic lunch, I went to queue for my imax movie. It was an hour long documentary, and I got quite a nice seat since I queued early. Really enjoyed it. Just wondering, why is the imax in Singapore always so expensive?

While queuing for the imax, I wanted to take a photo of the ticket. When I turned it around, I was surprised to see a pink dinosaur staring back at me! Haha. I didn't realised that before. I have been carrying the tickets the whole morning without knowing about these cute dinosaurs on the tickets.

Here's both the tickets, for the imax as well as entrance to the museum. What a nice souvenir! These are going into my scrapbook!

So the whole morning was spend inside the museum looking at fossils and dinosaurs. There are also dinosaurs in the small park outside. So don't miss those! It is life size, and looks so much like a scene from Jurassic Park, with animation too!

Leaving you here with another view. The next few post will all  be about the exhibits in the museum. There was so may things to see in the museum, truly one of the finest museums I've visited :) And for that low price, totally worth it! Taiwan, you are doing science right! Keep it up.

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