Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Solo Trip - Taiwan (July 2023) - Taipei Maokong Tea Research and Promotion Center

About twenty minutes walk from Maokong Station, you will reach this beautiful Tea Research and Promotion Center! I was excited to visit this place! I am an avid tea drinker. Come to think of it, I think I sometime just travel to destination due to tea! And Maokong itself was a tea plantation area.

Entrance is free, hence I am here! Lol. And the exhibit inside did not disappoint. Beautiful wordings and display about tea.

Some of the famous tea Maokong and Taiwan is famous for. I super love Chinese Tea and Japanese Tea. European Tea? Not so much.

Tea cups? Love them too! One of my favourite thing to do is enjoying a nice cup of tea, either alone, or with someone that is good to chat with. Or even in silence with the right companion. There is a certain kind of high you get from drinking very good tea. It's just so smooth. And because it's hot, you can't drink them in a hurry. So as you sip it slowly, your whole world just automatically slows down, and you too starts to calm down. And after drinking the warm tea, it just relaxes your whole body, and the fragrance of a good tea just melts away your worries :)

Outdoor area of the Tea Center shows what Maokong's surrounding area looks like, and which part is used for tea plantation and research.

Lovely display of the different types of tea.

I think it was meant to be an engaging center for people to come and learn about tea and maybe try some tea? The center itself was beautiful, but perhaps it was low tourist season, there wasn't much engagement from the staff there.  I would have love to learn more about tea and maybe try some. I was even ok to try some, but there wasn't anywhere to do so here that seems welcoming. So I just scroll around the center and left. I thought that was a pity. It could have been a better experience I felt. But no worries, in the next post, I'll document about the highlight of my trip to Maokong, and yes, it involves TEA!

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