Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Solo Trip - Taiwan (July 2023) - Taichung Miyahara Ice Cream

After spending almost 6 hours in the Natural Science Museum, and eating only two miserable sausages, I was famish! I took the bus back to town, and since it went past Miyahara store, I got down early and decided to treat myself! 

Although I have visited Miyahara the day before, I didn't share with you that Miyahara is also famous for their ice cream! Like the one shown above. Granted that it wasn't cheap! But I was already here! And since I didn't spend much on lunch, and the museum was such a good ROI for the cost, I though I could spare a nice treat for myself, right?

I queued up. Got the form, and pray that I pick the correct items! Insider trick. I always google a day before the menu and do my research before coming to a place I plan to eat at. So, haha! No taking chances here. I picked the flavour that I wanted. I think it was tea, cause I was in Taiwan! And dark chocolate, my favourite!

There were sooooo many flavours to pick from. But I find that tea flavoured ice cream are rare and the good ones can only be found in Taiwan and Japan. 

I even splurge on some extra toppings. I was in Taiwan, of course I picked the pineapple tart!

Here is the final order! I was gonna eat this ALONE! There was no place to seat, so I was standing in the side walk since it was crowded with people queueing and eating ice cream. Hey, I didn't know anyone here, who cares if people stare at a lady eating a huge ice cream alone? Actually people did stare at me while I eat. But mainly they stare and smiled at me as they saw I was enjoying the ice cream. Of course I smiled back, but I was more interested in enjoying my ice cream! The people who stared were often those that was pondering whether to buy the ice cream, or was already in the queue and just looking around....

The shop has so many beautiful retro poster. Unfortunately I couldn't get any nice shots due to the reflection on the glass frame. 

Still, I am posting them, cause I love anything retro!

Hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

Eye test!

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