Friday, May 24, 2024

Solo Trip - Taiwan (July 2023) - Taipei Ximending


After settling into my last hotel of this trip, I decided to walk to the nearby hot spot, you know, just out of duty. The hotel was near Ximending. And to be honest, I already know I wasn't going to like it, but it's just something I have to do. Like going to see the Eiffel Towel on my last day in Paris, lol. It's just something you have to do to respect the place. Anyway, I have been to Ximending a few times before, mainly to meet friends for drinks or supper. I hate the place. And this trip, it was no different. It was like a mad house there, full of people, music blasting, neon flashlight everywhere! Ugh! On my very first trip to Taiwan, I've actually stayed in a hostel in Ximending since it was such a well known place. It was such a sad experience that I never really like Ximending after that. It was just a very depressing place to me. A facade of something sadder hidden underneath it. 

But I did wanted to find the rainbow crossroad! So pretty! How can people hate rainbow is beyond me! What a sad life they must live! After this shot, I walked back to the hotel side of the road, and went in search of themed convenient store. I used to love going into them when I was working in Taipei. Mainly cause I never have time to do anything except visit 24hrs book store and convenient stores! Lol. 

Here is a Hello Kitty themed one! Looks pretty, but there was a mad lady inside when I was there. And that kinda gives you a glimpse of what Ximending is like for me....

Found a Conan themed store too. Since a friend of mine loves this comic, I took a few photos for her.

I guess it makes a good fan pilgrimage spot. I went and I saw, but I didn't really spend any money there...

Last one.....

Saw this sign in the hotel door of the elevator..... Taiwan! I love your signs! You really do get straight to the point! Hahahahaha. 

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