Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Solo Trip - Taiwan (July 2023) - Taichung NSM The Evolution Of Life

The next exhibit I entered was on The Evolution of Life! Biology was my favourite subject in school, and I've even considered minor in it in university, so I was actually thinking of skipping this whole section, thinking that it would be rather boring. But as an act of duty, I still have to walked through the exhibit to get my money's worth! How truly asian!

Well, the displays more or less captured my attention. I mean, look at the above photos. I can't tell what they are and I'm already hooked. It looked so anime-like! I really really like the colour scheme of the whole place! And to think every hall has a special scheme based on it's subject.

I was also captivated by this alien looking thing. It immediately caught my attention and draw me to it. But I realised after reading that it was just a magnified primitive life form.  I think it was a jelly fish.

There was a section on the importance of water to life. I really love how they bring the point across with this display that 70% of our body is made out of water! It's a very multi-dimensional way of getting things across, and I really love it. You don't even need to read or imagine what it was like, they show it to you in 3d!

Slowly, deeper in, plant forms become animal forms. It was easy to explain it, but to have this poster with a few words and stunning illustration of life is just thoughtful. You can see that so much thoughts and passion has gone into the display!

One of the memorable display was this weird komodo looking lizard crawling up what looks like mud slope. But if you zoom into it, you can see it shows life, from water medium slowly evolving into legged lizards crawling up into land. 

Ok, maybe it was a dinosaur instead of a komodo dragon. But you know what is amazing about it? The creature is moving forward in the evolution stages, and it is looking up to looked like a dragon! How awesome! That must be the pinnacle of evolution! To become a heavenly dragon! My personal favourite since I'm born in the year of the dragon :)  It's the little things in the exhibit that kinda highlight a small private joke here and there that makes this place so entertaining. 

Family tree of dinosaurs?

Human civilisation. I'm almost embarrassed. Lol.

Remember those school excursion kids? I found more of them here with a very passionate teacher or staff giving them a talk about evolution and dinosaur. That was more than what my Baptist Biology Teacher ever did in class. Due to religious belief, she skipped the whole of evolution chapter during my A-levels! It was a sad realisation for me, that often my favourite teacher lets me down due to their religious belief..... Leaving you here with the disappearance of the great lizards! We will see them soon in the next exhibit hall! (I think).

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