Thursday, May 30, 2024

Solo Trip - Taiwan (July 2023) - Taipei Maokong Sunset Gondola Ride

Riding the gondola down was quite an adventure too. Due to the stopping of the gondola due to rain and strong winds, when it reopened again, there weren't many people going down. I managed to board a transparent cable care on the way down! That's me favourite shoe and the glass view of the trees beneath me! How cool is that! 

I had to share the cable car with a couple. They kept looking at the phone, what a waste. I hope I don't have to travel with such a companion. What's the point if you can't enjoy this beautiful moment with me right there and then, right? I recall a video by the YouTuber Tech Lead, who went on a date with a girl to see beautiful nature. He enjoyed it so much, but then he realised that the date couldn't see anything cause she wasn't wearing any glasses on the date so that she could look pretty for him. Hahahahaha. So funnny. But he pointed it out right, sometimes the experience is a personal one and not everyone may experience the same thing as you. But still, wouldn't it be nice if they tried, and they did? That would be a connection that is hard to described in words. 

Sunset view of the cable cars moving down.....

Bright orange sun light.

Dooms Day City View, all dark now.....

Beautiful Taipei 101 landscape <3

When I got to the station below, I had some time to wander around. So I took some photos of the cute gondola they have on display here.

"Welcome to Maokong", it says!

It was pretty dark by now, and lights were turned on.

Love this view of small cable car lightings decorated outside the Taipei Zoo Station. I took my time as I knew the bus I was taking stopped near by hotel, so I wasn't worried about it getting dark. I was pretty familiar with the streets in Taipei Station by now. However, silly me did waited for the bus at the wrong side of the road! Hahahahaha. But I managed to get back to the hotel safely, gazing at the night scenes of Taipei as the bus drove by all the small towns along the way. What a lovely day I had :)

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