Monday, May 6, 2024

Solo Trip - Taiwan (July 2023) - Tainan Hayashi Cafe


This post is on just the Hayashi Cafe. At this time, I was still full from my breakfast, and too early for lunch, but I wanted to really eat something here. Sort of a treat to myself for making it here, I wanted to splurge on something nice in a nice cafe. 

After taking a look at the menu outside, I decided I wanted pineapple shaved ice since it was so hot, so I went in to make my order.

Above is the counter upon entering. A lady was still setting up. She saw me and told me to wait a while. I saw down nearby to wait, looking around the store. I saw the inner part was beautifully decorated with more classy furnishing and tiffany lamps! Anyway, after 15minutes or so, she was ready, so I walked up to order. When I told her I wanted pineapple shaved ice, she said I have to go inside to order that as she only serve bean curd..... Gee, thanks! But I was happy to move further into the cafe.

Above is the classy part of the cafe. Love the lamp.

Anyway, this was what I wanted to order. It was considered a splurge in my travel budget, but I think it translated to only 5sgd? In such a fancy cafe, I thought it was ok. 

After placing my order, I also walked around and soaked in more ambiance like that one above. Love the lamp, love the window, love the greens, love everything! Oh yeah, as I was travelling solo, I had to let them know the table number when I place my order. So I had to look for a seat and put my things there to reserve it, then walk back and inform them where I was seated, even though there was hardly anyone else in the cafe..... 

I picked a high chair bar seat overlooking the window into Tainan's busy street. And above was the shaved ice they serve me, with TWO spoons. But there was only one of me! I didn't minded much, I guess this is just protocol, not personal service, lol. But the shaved ice was so nice and delicious! I slowly ate it all. It was one of the happiest and memorable shaved ice I've ever eaten in my life, so I'm glad I came here and order it even though it was not within my budget.

Leaving you with a menu of the cafe in case you wonder what else they serve. When I travel, I usually prefer street food, or food where local eats. Only occasionally I will go into a fancy restaurant and treat myself. The treat also tends to be at the half way point, or end of the trip as I knew there would be left over money. There is always left over money on my trip, cause I always over budget and under spend. On my solo Nagoya trip, I came back with 50% of my budget still in tact! And I wasn't even being stringy in my meals! Lol. 

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