Friday, June 7, 2024

Solo Sam Smith Concert 2023

2023 was a year I really spread my solo wings. For the very first time in my life, I attended a concert on my own. I hesitated a lot on whether to even go in the first place. Sam Smith was a singer that I really love. He was my go-to artist whenever I was stuck in a long flight to South America during my Daimler Days. His voice made everything ok for me. Even now, I sometimes still listen to him when I need to feel calm, or fall asleep, or when I am sad and want to feel sadder, lol. Some songs just makes me all tear up automatically, without even knowing why! Anyway, since I was going to be in Singapore in October anyway, I decided to buy the cheapest ticket to attend, even if I was going on my own. 

I was pretty excited the whole day about the concert. Sam Smith's latest album Unholy has gone totally insanely non-binary and well, unholy. I wasn't sure what to expect. I arrived early enough, and when I queued up to enter the concert hall, I sense the crowd was gonna be fun. Guys in lipsticks, girls in goth, people wearing devil headband. I think I'm going to have fun here. Weird as it may sound, this was the authentic me. Not some goody two shoe, but something very different inside. This concert was rated RA, adults only, so no kids were allowed.

Lots of merchandise was for sale. I was early, so I browsed, and well, just spend time wondering how to kill time before the concert starts. I've roughly research the concert format and knew there was going to be 3 segment to it. I've also know the playlist that was going to be performed. I don't own all his album. To be honest, I only own one single album I bought in Japan. And it didn't even have the song I wanted in it cause it was the Japanese version! The song was One Day at a Time. Ironic, right? But for this concert, I've listed to all the new songs from the Gloria album and I do love them. I love them even more today after attending the concert!

The concert hall. This was how far I was seated. I was practically sitting near the end of the hall! Strangely enough, the row I was sitting at, I had 3 other single ladies attending the concert with me. The lady to my right was even a Muslim with a hijab. I was so shocked, lol. 

When the concert started, and Sam Smith appeared, I knew I was going to be alright. I've never been someone who finds a big guy with a beard attractive, but when he appears, when he talks, when he sing, when he smiles, my heart just melted. He was a very charismatic artist. I was worried whether he would sound the same as in the album, cause I know some artist sounded horrible in their live show. Thankfully, he was pitch perfect for all his songs! 

Rated RA, he did went full diva on us. With all his changes of costume. I didn't really care much for that. It was just very French for me, but really a big deal. What I enjoyed most was the music. And since I was there alone, I could scream and shout and dance as much as I want. I didn't care. I was 47! I was gonna live my life! And oh what fun I had on my own that night. It was a natural high that I haven't felt for a long time. I was so glad I went with my gut feel and attended this concert even though I was scared of doing so.  Bottom line, nobody really cares what you do or how you behave in a concert. You do you girl!

RA indeed, he went as far as stripping down to his underwear, with plastered nipples and all. Muslim lady beside me was busy video recording the whole show! I was too busy having fun to use my phone much. What a different world concert is nowadays. Everyone was busy taking photos and videos. I guess since I was so far away, all the photos I took would be crap anyway, so I spend more time actually enjoying the concern instead! I love the above performance because he was actually performing Human Nature by Madonna. He was nothing closed to the diva herself, but I was glad he did this number all the same. Human Nature was one of my favourite song and video from Madonna. 

The closing song of Unholy saw him dress up as the Devil himself. Why is any Muslim even allowed in this concert hall? Or even Christian? Lol. If you do listen to the album Gloria, the song Gloria itself is beautifully written and sang like a church chores. The wordings of it was also extremely beautiful. But my favourite song to dance to that night was actually "Lose You". The lyric was beautiful, and the music was just so British Disco Era. I danced non-stop to that song. I danced a lot that night. It was a super memorable night for me. 

To sum it up, I'm just gonna attend any concert I want to. With the death of Chester from Linkin Park and not being able to see them perform ever again has taught me that some things should not be delayed. Even if you are scared, just take small steps towards what you want to do. So far, the result has been astonishing.  2023 was the year I finally lived a more authentic life than I have before. And it was extremely free-ing. It's now 2024, and so far, it has been great. The fear is still there, but I realised that the more I am prepared for it by researching and having some backup plans, usually things turned out ok, if not better. I learned to love myself more. Heck, I've even managed to achieve a target weight today that I've been trying for years to do so but failed. I can't really be totally free yet, like Sam Smith's song, let's take it "One Day At A Time ".  I don't know when I can be totally free. I wonder how I would live my life then. In a way, I'm looking forward to it. I have so much I want to explore and to do. 

Dance on Cordy!

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