Sunday, June 2, 2024

Solo Trip - Taiwan (July 2023) - Taipei Eslite Bookstore and Dinner with Friends


Around afternoon 2pm, I head out and took the train to Eslite Bookstore. I was meeting my friend around there for dinner, but I thought I'll go early to browse the bookstore first ;)

Surprise! A stationery fair was beng held there! Happy!

Yes I do want them all! But I'm on a budget!

Why are all the posters so beautiful?

Lots of stationery for sale.

I love personal art pieces of local places. Don't you? I like unique things. Just one and only type.

Even plain paper has it's day here! 

Below at the shop itself, more cute stuff can be found. Weirdly I could find any staff to attend to me. So I didn't buy anything although I was rather interested in the cat chopstick stand....

Walking pass CD corner, this was still pretty much alive here, and also in Japan! Saw my fellow Malaysian singer Namewee and decided to take a photo of it. These days, I prefer to buy second hand CD and just ripped out the music :P Maybe I'm old fashion, but I haven't quite caught on to iTune or Spotify. I still prefer owning a physical CD, with lyrics and everything :)

Junji Ito collection. I got my first Ito comics from Eslite Bookstore during my business trip here. I've been a fan ever since :)

Up close, Taipei 101. 

Lastly, my last dinner in Taiwan, with my excolleague/vendor Tracy and her friend. She treated me to a local Taiwanese Restaurant serving all local favourites like Sweet Potato Porridge, Pan Fried Liver, Kidney Soup etc. Thank you for the lovely dinner and company!

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