Monday, June 17, 2024

Solo Trip Nagoya (August 2023) - Hirokoji Dori Festival

Around early evening, I took a walk from Aeon Mall Noritake Garden all the way to the center of town, which was around 20minutes walk or so to Hirokoji Dori. There was a two days Summer Festival there. I know most travel sites don't recommend you visit Japan during June and July due to rain and summer heat, but I think it's the best kept secret, cause summer is where all the Japanese festivals are held, and going to remote town and city was the best place to enjoy them!

Arriving at the street, it wasn't as crowded as I thought it would be. There was a program sign stating what event was being held at what time. Basically the whole road was closed, and at certain intersection, there were performances set to perform. But there were also performances walking up and down the streets itself. And you could just park yourself somewhere strategic to watch everything. 

Many performers wore traditional costume, and came in all genders, age and sizes. So that is how the Japanese live so long! All the old folks were participating in festivals through out the year. And to do that, I'm sure they also attended regular practise session and socialised with their groups. For the younger performers, it was more like a school or family event. Their families were there to support them while enjoying the festival. It was quite a touching scene to witness. 

There were also cool mystical monsters parading down the street, happy to scare kids and take photos with them. They look like monsters from rice fields.... 

But pretty cool looking all the same. 

Traditional music groups were also performing at certain areas. It was really quite a relaxing atmosphere as it wasn't crowded at all.

I saw the elegant dances with the hats that covered most of their faces. I always though you could only see these dances at certain areas of Japan. But nope. As long as there is a festival, you can see the locals performing their version of this dance. I stayed to watch the parade of performers and street performer till almost 7pm before walking all the way back to the hotel. It was dark by then. I realised that the section I was at was the traditional performance area, and nearer to the Nagoya Station, they have youth performing modern dance too. But I didn't come all the way to Japan to watch modern dances, so I was quite satisfied with where I was,

The beautiful river at night on my way back to Nagoya Station. A salesman with a flyer actually stopped and talk to me here. But I excused myself when the traffic lights turned green for the pedestrian. I leave two videos here for you, on some of the performances I saw on this unforgettable day. 

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