Saturday, June 22, 2024

Solo Trip Nagoya (August 2023) - Retro Train at SCMaglev and Railway Park

On the first floor of the SCMaglev and Railway Park, besides the entrance showcase of trains from past and future, the other segment has all the retro trains that was graced the JR railway track. I'm doing a dedicated post on this because I had a lot of fun here, and the trains are just so beautiful. 

First of all, there are so so so many trains that can be found here, in all shapes and sizes. I love those bright coloured trains that looked so iconic on their own. Those trains parked at the very back of the space were just for displayed and you aren't allowed to climb on to them. 

But you can view them up closed, and if you have a camera, you can zoom in to see the details of the interior of the trains. 

Each train used to serve the country, so they have left the sign stating the train's service destination. I though that was pretty neat. And look at the train above, bright orange outside (at least I think it's orange, right? I'm slightly coloured blind....), and minty green inside!

Or this one, with it's cream coloured exterior and red coloured 'whiskers' that made it looked rather cute. Not forgetting the head lights at the top that looked like ears! Love this train so much!

Here is me, on another train, looking back and taking a photo of the cat train behind :D

Those train parked in the middle allows visitors to climb on them. You can go in and take a look. Above is a beautiful minty green interior of the driver's cabin and seat. Isn't it beautiful?

I also super adore the classic passenger seats like those above. Love the colour combination of dark brown and dark green, and the wooden finish. Not forgetting the classic lamps above. Actually, you can still bored some of these classic trains in Japan. I did a Kyushu Train Pass trip in April of 2023, and I took so many cool trains there! Will blog about those eventually..... 

They also have this dark blue seated cabin. Lovely.

But I think green and brown looks  the best. Classic, and so natural in colour.

Here's me looking happy again in one of the passenger cabin. 

They also have miniature models showing how the older trains looked like. The detail they put in was marvellous! 

Here is a souvenir shot of me, with a Nagoya train up closed! Love this shot. If only I looked thinner! 

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