Sunday, June 16, 2024

Solo Trip Nagoya (August 2023) - Day2 Lunch, Aeon Mall, Tsutaya and Sugakiya


Done with the museum, I decided to have my lunch there as well. I had katsu curry rice. I ordered it in Japanese, and when they lady asked if I wanted a set, I said ok and she asked me what drinks I want. I was too tired by then to panic, so I just looked at the Japanese drink menu and ordered an apple juice. I was so proud of myself! Day 1 and my Japanese was doing ok! The curry rice was delicious! And their solo seat area overlooked the garden. What a lovely place to have a lovely lunch on my own. I was feeling pretty happy!

After lunch, I walked back to Aeon Mall, the one I visited the day before. Above is the different view. Noritake Garden is just adjacent to it. 

I was here to visit the Tsutaya Bookstore which I've forgotten about yesterday. Isn't it beautiful? It was one of those instagram-able bookstore in Japan! I have been to the Tsutaya Bookstore in Kuala Lumpur before, and I thought this would also be a high-end store. Strangely enough, the books were pretty affordable here. I browsed, but did not buy anything. 

This is the famous staircase that people on instagram like to take photo off. Yay! I was here!

It was also one of the rare time I see Japanese people breaking the rules. The sign obviously says no photo taking, yet everyone just couldn't resist. They were Japanese cause they were all conversing excitedly in Japanese! Lol. My imagine of Japanese fell a knot that day! I recall the other time it fell was during the New Year Eve and New Year Day Sale in Hokkaido! Hahaha. Have I blogged that? 

After the bookstore, I browse the mall a bit, and found a food court. It was hot and I wanted something cold. I found this fast food chain, and I think I I love it, cause they serve my favourite dessert at quite an affordable price. 

350Yen for Anmitsu! I think I ate it twice in this trip from this chain store. More if you count the other times I ate from elsewhere :P  I don't know why, but I love this dessert, mainly due to the kanten jelly, and the black sugar. It's super delicious. And anything else add on to that was just a bonus to me. 

This is what it looked like. I enjoyed it slowly at the food court while charging my phone there. It's so cool that Japanese Food Court for solo seaters have power point for you to charge your phone! Actually it's the same in Lalaport Food Court in Kuala Lumpur too. Super awesome. I stayed at the food court till almost 4pm before I headed out to the next destination. I was headed to a festival in the city! And it only starts in the evening!

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