Saturday, June 29, 2024

Solo Trip Nagoya (August 2023) - Ghibli Grand Warehouse Exhibition & Short Film


Besides seeing your favourite characters here, there are also tonnes of Ghibli related exhibitions found inside. Just look at the collection above! Amazing!

Posters of all the movies from Ghibli from the past...

As well as upcoming movies... I watched the Boy and the Heron in Jan 2024 :)

Above is Whisper of the Heart? I watched this one prior to this trip too :D And I do love it.

There was a special exhibition on food related scenes from Ghibli, with original drawings from the artist. No photo taking was allowed inside, but it was super detail! Above is the poster of the exhibition. And after visiting it, I actually felt hungry looking at all the art pieces in there! Was totally blown away by the work and effort put into these animations. 

Lastly, every entrance ticket comes with a small movie ticket that they give you when you enter the park. After I finish most of the exhibition and display, I decided to check out the Orion Cinema to watch a short film. These films are only available for viewing here. 

All I had to do was look for the cinema sign and this poster, the film that was being shown while I was there.

They actually have proper cinema inside the park!

The poster showing the film being shown. Everything look so classy!

The outside of the cinema, just as classy. No photos allowed inside. It was just a short maybe 15min film. Interestingly, it was a story about a worm who eats and shit, lol. Yes, shit! Lots of shit in the film. The kids love it. There was no language used in the film at all, only sounds, and all sound done by one single actor! Which was kinda funny, really. So in a way, the film was kids friendly, as well as foreigner friendly since no language was use. I actually enjoyed it. It was mind opening for me :P

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