Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Solo Trip Nagoya (August 2023) - Legoland Nagoya

This is a detour of where I was actually going on that day. I was actually headed to the Train Museum, but I saw that Legoland was actually nearby, so I arrived early and took a walk to check it out. Before reaching Legoland, there was an area that looked like some film set, with shops and restaurant that has yet to open.  

I saw the Sea Life aquarium that my friend mentioned to me before. When I told him I was going to the Nagoya Aquarium, he told me that it was very small. Later on, I found out that he meant this aquarium at Legoland. I was going to the bigger one, at Nagoya Port!

The entrance to Legoland was pretty impressive. There was a covered walkway in as you entered, and the whole world suddenly was made up of coloured plastic bricks! But you're not even IN Legoland yet!

This is the paid area, the official Legoland. I didn't go in. I wasn't a fan of Lego, and it was super expensive to go in. I've been to the Legoland in Johor Malaysia before, and although I had a lot of fun there, I don't think I'm that big a fan to visit all the Legoland in the world. 

But even not entering the park, there was a lot to see outside of it. Like this beautiful mural outside that looked like a cinema. Everything was made of Lego.

They even have a whole castle like tower outside the gift shop, with a dragon inside!

You could also stay at the Legoland Hotel just opposite to the park. The colour of it was blinding!

So I didn't go in. I just took a walk around the area. There were some food area that looked really nice for picnic or eating outdoor food. The weather was beautiful if not tad too hot. It wasn't even 10am yet.

I managed to take a lovely photo of this sparking fountain at the food garden area. For some reason, I love this photo.  So I'm just gonna leave it here :P

Here's me not visiting Legoland, lol. Took it just to show my friend that I was there. 
Sadly he passed away December 2023. And now, every take off and every landing reminded me of him, especially on an SQ flight cause I was always messaging him since there is wifi on board.....

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