Saturday, June 15, 2024

Solo Trip Nagoya (August 2023) - Toyota Museum Part 2


The second segment of the museum was about cars! Finally, something within my expectation. Above is a photo of the Toyota Way! Their principle, or company motto. I thought it was interesting, so I took a souvenir shot. 

The transition from loom to cars was via a welding demo, how car parts were made from iron and steel. Pretty impressive. I watched it twice! It was mainly automated, with the human guy just transferring the parts from one machine to another to mould or shape them into specific car parts. 

Again, I joint a Japanese tour. I followed all the way to nearly the end before I realised that I was supposed to register for the tour instead of just following them. Cause everyone has a sticker, except me. When I realised that, I just acted like I was an independent visitor :P  The tour started mainly on Toyota's history. 

I love those old memorabilia. 

I don't know if the wooden car there was the first car Toyota made? But it was featured a lot. 

The only good thing about following a guided tour was having someone explaining and demo-ing the things for you. 

Looks pretty neat!

The factory area was super big! This was how they used to make car in the olden days, by humans!

This here is the museum, separated in to different segment of how the cars are made now. 

Now, cars are made by machines. I was super impressed with this. The guide actually demonstrate how the machines put the cars together. When he talks, he would show the machines working in slow motion. Once he was done, he showed us how the machines actually worked in real life, and wow! Mind blown! Humans could not compete!

This is what an assembly line looked like, with the cars moving down as the machines work on it. Pretty freaking cool!

There was also an area where they put all the car parts together. Here I learned that the main critical part of the car was actually just the steering wheels and gear. Everything else was just cosmetic. Car wasn't made of expensive things, yet coming from Singapore, you would never wrapped your head around that cause the price of cars in Singapore is insane!

There was a segment where they displayed all the iconic Toyota cars from the past to the present too. I think that would be so cool for car lovers. I'm not a car fan, but even I was impressed.

And for some reason, I spend around 30minutes queueing up for this 3D printed car souvenir that all the little kids where lining up for. It was free, so..... Lol. You have to press some buttons, and the machine will print out the car mould, and when it was ready, you have to assemble it yourself. But the key word was: It's a FREE souvenir :)

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