Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Solo Trip - Taiwan (July 2023) - Singapore > Penang

Nine circular rainbow on the shadow of my flight. Pretty. I took a few landscape view while taking off from Taipei, but it reminded me of my friend who has passed on so much I didn't feel like posting it here. We used to share travel photos with each other. He lost his fight to cancer December 2023....

At Changi Airport lounge, the usual Singapore Laksa is my go-to dish, along with Tomato Juice. No I don't drink Tomato Juice for help reason or for beautiful skin (although it does help!). I just happens to love tomato juice weird as it may sound :P

Getting my free breakfast worth. Swee Kueh, something I don't even spend money buying at home, lol. I would eat it here. Not living in Singapore makes you appreciate these food more.

Flight from Singapore to Penang, they gave me a muffin and yogurt. I prefer this than the usual evening curry puff from Old Chang Kee which can be rather oily. 

Flying into my beloved hometown of Penang <3

End of my solo trip.

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