Thursday, June 6, 2024

Solo Trip - Taiwan (July 2023) - Taiwan Shopping Souvenirs

Last entry on Taiwan solo trip, things I bought from there. Above are some confectionery, mainly Sun Biscuit. I do love the butter sun biscuit. The yam cake, not so much. I mainly gave them away from friends and relatives. 

Having my sub biscuit for breakfast or tea.

Stuff I got from carrefour and Dihua Street. From left to right: mixed nuts and dried fruits, peanut malt powder, and mixed grain rice. I have a habit of buying rice from every country I go to. Even though I've transitioning slowly to low carb diet, I still buy rice on my every trip, cause I do love eating them. 

The mixed nuts and dried fruits are for my breakfast usage and goes well with my overnight oats. I've already finished them. 

The peanut malt drink wasn't what I was expecting. I was trying to get a mixed nut drink that I love that I had from a Korean store in Singapore. Guess this wasn't it. I gave the rest to my mother-in-law.

The rice was fantastic! Already finished!

Look at how beautiful they are. I love rice!

Got these fruit tea from Dihua Street. Gave most away, but I love drinking them cold. They taste like Ribena, but without all the sugar.  The main flavour is rosella. I wonder if drinking too much of it is healthy. I try not to drink it too often. It's kinda sour in taste.

Individual pack.

So beautiful!

Natural Ribena.

My tea collection from my trip. The coffee was surprisingly good! Good coffee to me means, not bitter, and not sweet, hahahaha. I just realise how oxymoron that read as I type it out. The TWG is from Singapore Airport Lounge. I usually fill up on them whenever I am passing thru.

And lastly, some cute stickers I got for my journal/planner. They bring me so much joy that I can't help keep buying them even though I always tell myself I have enough to last a few years!.

And that ends my post on my solo trip to Taiwan! Next post, Nagoya Solo Trip! I realise I am travelling more than I blog. But it's ok. Blogging is for the love of blogging. And travelling is for myself. There is no KPI to keep! Even though now that I am not working, I try to catch up on all my backlog. I doubt I will ever completely catch up though. But let's take it one post at a time. What is important is, as long as this blog is here, my memories are kept here, and I can always come back and relive them :) 

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