Friday, June 28, 2024

Solo Trip Nagoya (August 2023) - Ghibli Grand Warehouse Main Characters


The best part of visiting Ghibli Studio is seeing all your favourite characters there. I admit that I haven't seen all the Ghibli movies ever made. I have tried to catch up as many as possible before this trip, but still, there were movies that I didn't manage to watch before I made my way here. So here is my attempt to describe some of the major scenes found here. First photo above, and also the very first display I rushed to, lol, is from Spirited Away, Yubaba's room. The detail of the display was amazing! Love everything about it. It was probably my favourite display. 

Next is this giant robot that had a long queue of people waiting to take photo with it. I haven't watched this one before, but I am guessing it's from Laputa? I didn't queue here. I use my zoom function to take the photo. Since I haven't watched the movie, I guess I felt less committed to get a nice photo with it, lol.

At the lowest floor was the miniature world of Arrietty! I have watched this movie prior to coming here, and I really love it. I saw a few visitors tying up their hair like Arrietty with a giant red clothe peg and I really wanted that peg! I looked everywhere for it, but couldn't find it being sold. It looked kinda cute and kinda ridiculous at the same time, but so adorable! Above is the garden outside her house, with giant glass jar and all!

The entrance to her house is via this crayon box door. I just adore the drawing on the crayon box!

And inside the house, there were a few rooms, and I did take a lot of photos, but I don't want to flood my blog with it. So here's just her bed room. 

I really like some of the props in her house. Like this giant soya sauce container being held by an actual kid. It's just so adorable! And the giant Nippon stamp. 

Above is the Philosopher Club room, from the movie From Up On Poppy Hill. I recall this show was also very heart warming :) Sorry for the blurred image though. I was passing by it on my way to another location when I saw it and got too excited. 

The giant room with the giant furry cat bus on it. You can go inside of it and sit on the bus. And this was not limited to children. Adults are also welcome to climb in. Many people took photos like the lady there. It was a bit hard for me to take such a photo alone though. The disadvantages of travelling alone....

Here's JiJi, my husband's favourite Ghibli Cat from the movie Kiki's Delivery Service. Interesting note, my husband's surname is Ji, yet he always forget this cat's name -_______-

Here's me with my favourite pix of Yubaba's Room :P

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